So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

7/1 Pedro Parra, Wine Terroir Consultant
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl On 2day's #SommChat #Wine #Terroir Specialist @pedroparrachile 12N ET @scottota @travelwinechick @CharlesComm @RachelDriver @caravellechamp @FredDexMS
@FredDexMS @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile PEDRO ROCKZZZ!!! #SommChat tune in Sommie Tweeps! @RxWineLab
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Thanks for #SommChat S/O @FredDexMS
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl 2day's #SommChat #Wine #Terroir Specialist @pedroparrachile 12N ET @dalluva @frenchwinetours @wineandfilmlady @i_on_food_drink @thewinedup @zoltanszabo
Zoltan Szabo @zoltanszabo @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @RichardPF @Michael_Ludwig @RachelVoorhees @harleywine1 nice !!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl thanks for #SommChat support @zoltanszabo
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl On 2day's #SommChat #Wine #Terroir Specialist @pedroparrachile 12N ET @drunken_somm @winochic @hvwinegoddess @nicktex @sassodoro @mweb
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @drunken_somm @Winochic @hvwinegoddess @nicktex @mweb Happy #SommChat #WW!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat #Wine #Terroir Specialist @pedroparrachile 12N ET @rockandrhone @1337wines @thelittlenell @drinkalsace @WineFoodTX @fabienlaine
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @keepercoll @pedroparrachile @RockandRhone @TheLittleNell @drinkAlsace @WineFoodTX I'm stuck in the train for the next hours no so #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Hope every1's ready to talk w/ #wine #terroir consultant Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile on #SommChat today at 11 AM CST, 12 N ET!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl & here is a quick read on what a #Burgundy #wine intern learned from @pedroparrachile on #Terroir #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine fr Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd like to introduce you to Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile who will talk #wine #terroir on #SommChat #WW
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Happy second half of #Vintage2015 - can you believe year is half over? - #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @pedroparrachile 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
W. Blake Gray _@wblakegray Hey #SommChat folks (and other wine professionals on Twitter): What do you think of Meiomi Pinot Noir?
Monika Elling _@Foundationspr Thanks for the invite, nice to be here! @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine #terroir with Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile #WW #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl happy and anxious to be here to answer everyone's questions about #terroir here on #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Good morning Pedro #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine #terroir with Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile #WW #SommChat
pascaline lepeltier _@plepeltier Pedro, what are the most exciting Chilean regions right now? @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @plepeltier maiule, etata, bio bio, upper #andes & high altitude Stony and fresh most impt today in #Chile #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine Good morning Pedro #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile and to you @AndyOnFarmWine look forward to your questions #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Where are you located? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @AndyOnFarmWine I am located in Conception at Bio Bio Region in front of the ocean 500 Kl S of #Santiago #SommChat
TheNewChile _@thenewchile Buen dia @pedroparrachile! Thrilled to see you on #SommChat today. Are you tweeting from a calicata? :) Which country are you in?
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @thenewchili I am at home in #Chile in front of the fireplace enjoying #SommChat questions fr around the world #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, how did you get your passion for #wine? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge I got my passion for #wine while walking in #burgundy in 2001 #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin .@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @jennanorth @kcwineguy @Local913 @roydot #Denver morning greetings, #SommChat 'ers!
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Are you making sauvignon blanc or pinot noir there? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @AndyOnFarmWine am making #Pinot Noir #Chardonnay and #riesling as well - #SauvignonBlanc in the future when find right location #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile Who/What first inspired you to study relationship btw #wine and terroir #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl Louis Michel Liger-Belair was my inspiration for studying #wine and #terroir in 2001 #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl we were tasting in Louis Michel's #cellar and he said #minerality is everything this was 1st time I heard this word #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, what do you do as a consultant- is it just about the terroir or do you also consult in #winemaking? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge Don't believe N #winemaking, 4 me, viticulture is winemaking-winemaker is 2 transform sugar N2 alcohol, not difficult #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge anyway I do help to taste and blend #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Sounds like cooler sites with rocky soils and ocean influence what's your wine from there? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @AndyOnFarmWine love 2 see green color of the vegetation contrast with the orange color of the granite and shist N front of home #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @AndyOnFarmWine I really love #wine produced by Rogue Vine - called Insolente fr Granite w/ 100% old #Cinsault #SommChat
Lizzy Butler _@withtwoforks No better way to start the month than talkin' terroir! Psyched to see you on #SommChat @pedroparrachile Where is your Riesling project
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @withtwoforks Malleco our #Chilean #Oregon 800 KL deep south of #Santiago #SommChat
Lizzy Butler _@withtwoforks @pedroparrachile Buenisimo! Riesling with a soul from changer for #Chile and the world of #wine #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, what do you like about being a consultant? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge am consultant by accident, prefer 2B producer of #wine like 2 travel taste & find a little jewel N mdl of #vineyard #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines Hi @pedroparrachile, great to see you in #SommChat today!
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Dry farm or irrigation? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @AndyOnFarmWine 60-70% is dry farm if I can avoid irrigation I will do that but not always possible to avoid #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @pedroparrachile What do u find most interesting or unique about the terroir in #CasablancaValley? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ritualwines #Casablanca Valley has 1 of the most beautiful #granite #geology I have ever seen #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ritualwines In #Casablanca Valley, U only need to go higher in mtn - produce wines in the flat area & slopes are unbelievable #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, tell us about your @ClosdesFous #wine? #SommChat #Chile
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge @ClosdesFous is my passion. We produce #wines by rock, always in fresh weather to get natural #acidity #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge @closdesFous, we want to show our vision of #terroir #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - In your opinion, what red and what white grape best display Chile terroir? - #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @demilove don't like 2 generalize, but really love #Carignan 4 red & #riesling for White #wine in #Chile not many ppl doing this #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink Happening now! #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, could you tell us about the #Chile #wine region? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge #Chile is about #mountains and very complex #geology Going from flat to very high in the #Andes #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge there is much potential in #Chile to make even great #wines #SommChat
ConstanceChamberlain _@VinoCC Excited to see @pedroparrachile on #SommChat today talking #terroir ... Reminds me of our great event with @ALHmalbec this past Oct!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile How long did it take you to master the relationship btw #wine and terroir? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl it has taken 14 years so far to learn about #wine and #terroir and I am still not done #SommChat
ENO DC _@Eno_DC @KeeperColl #SommChat is a great weekly chat!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile What is your part about the job of #wine terroir consultant? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl my parts of consulting in #wine and #terroir are to taste #wine and to #travel and share with people #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile What are some of the main factors that u take into consideration when determining the terroir of a region? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl #1 is #geology 4 me, then fractures on the rocks, then root behavior, water holding capacity, & quality of fertility #SommChat
pedro parra @pedroparrachile @KeeperColl determining the #terroir of a region is Complex but easy at the same time, you only need to look a little #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @dalluva @frenchwinetours @WineandFilmLady @TheWinedUp Hola &Happy #SommChat #WineWednesday & Happy #Canada Day
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile What impact does the #terroir of a region have on #wine growing there? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl #terroir of a region has a 1,000,000 percent impact on #wine growing Terroir is the typicity and the soul of the place #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga here am i late @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile ya #terror tell us and #climatechange effects #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ormiga #ClimateChange effects R starting 2 B something- stress on #vines in classical areas #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @Ormiga and better quality in areas that were abandoned becoming new game for me #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga so sweeter #wine of the century/yr ;) @pedroparrachile am selling vineyard plots in #greenland ;) @KeeperColl #SommChat eg of abandoned?
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, what kind of #wines are produced in #Chile- Is it red than white? What are the major grape varieties? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge the kinds of #wines produced in #Chile are changing - used to be #bordeaux style 4 reds which can be boring #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @clolafarge in #Chile now the balance btw whites and reds is growing and we are rediscovering all grapes #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @CloLafarge the kinds of #wines produced in #Chile are changing - used to be #bordeaux style 4 reds which can be boring #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @pedroparrachile What is key in terms of farming techniques to create wines that truly express terroir? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ritualwines structure on soil is key to be able to have roots air life and water -without roots we have nothing #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ritualwines 2day too much attention given 2 cosmetics like viticulture of the leaves & few ppl are paying attention to the roots #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @pedroparrachile @CloLafarge Do you take inspiration from any other #wine region of the world when making wine in #Chile? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @StephanieMiskew of course #Barolo #Burgundy #Morgon and #Loire fav places so far #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @pedroparrachile Love all of those #wine regions - thanks! #SommChat #Chile @KeeperColl
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @pedroparrachile Curious if #BCwine terroir was anything you might have expected to be #SommChat #CAN wine
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @i_on_food_drink no #BCwine #terroir was very diff than expected huge potential -they should lk 4 #limestone #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @thenewchili I am at home in #Chile in front of the fireplace enjoying #SommChat questions fr around the world #SommChat
Wines of Chile _@DrinkChile Quite the life! @pedroparrachile #SommChat
Wines of Chile _@DrinkChile Nice to be here @pedroparrachile! In your opinion, what are the most exciting wines coming out Chile today? @KeeperColl #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @Drinkchile Fresh #wines fr everywhere showing #terroir & not the Barrel, and everyday. My heart is in the S of #Chile #SommChat
Jake Pippin _@jakepip @pedroparrachile talking #wine #grapes #dirt #chile #SommChat @DrinkChile
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ensemblebev #Spain could be #1 in #wines - has fantastic #geology, funny and diverse weather, many types of grapes & clever ppl #SommChat
CloLafarge _@CloLafarge @pedroparrachile, thank you so much for all these information. It was very interesting to learn about #Chile with you. #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga and #carmenere of #chile was my fav "new" discovery in france & singapore @pedroparrachile #SommChat any experiments in high andes?
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @ormiga no experiments in high #andes for #Carmenere b/c it is too cold which would hinder ripening #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga ah ok @pedroparrachile ;) imagine the story though #SommChat high andes pure air water organic @KeeperColl
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @pedroparrachile Have you had the chance to get to see #terroir in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia? #CAN #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @i_on_food_drink I have not yet had the chance to see those #terroir in #Canada - know the #wine of Tomas Bechelder - very good #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink Yes! I have been lucky to taste some of Thomas' wines over the years! #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @pedroparrachile #BCWine has recently named first sub-GI. @bcwinetaskgrp researching next ones #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile What do you like to do in your personal time? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile .@KeeperColl very simple spend time with my wife and my kids - #jazz music & basketball - @NYKnicks super fan #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @pedroparrachile Describe the typical week as a #wine terroir consultant? #SommChat
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl typical wk is to walk the #Vineyards and look at the rocks, get into the soil & taste and taste and taste #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Pedro Parra @pedroparrachile for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
ormiga _@ormiga #ladolcevita nice life @pedroparrachile @KeeperColl #SommChat am back in bombay if expand here lets talk
pedro parra _@pedroparrachile @KeeperColl very happy and proud to talk on #SommChat abt #terroir & #Chile - Terroir is Everything - opposite. of Coca-Cola #wine
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink Gracias Senor @pedroparrachile for answering #SommChat questions. Will look fwd to hearing if you do any events next time in #BCwine
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines Great to talk to @pedroparrachile through #SommChat. Always an honor!
Elizabeth Smith _@travelwinechick #WW #SommChat cheers! @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @scottota @CharlesComm @racheldriver @CaravelleChamp