So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

7/15 Certified Sommelier Rachel Voorhees
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 11AM CST w/ @RachelVoorhees on @SonomaWCW @greatsommeliers @vin_chicago @messina_hof @winecellartv @winostan @winemanboy
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees Super excited to have @yrmom_safoodie, last years @SonomaWCW #SommStar WINNER joining us for #SommChat today!
TEXSOM _@TEXSOM RT @KeeperColl: Today's #SommChat features Rachel Voorhees @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW Hope to see you there! 11 am-12N CST
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin I have a few questions about @EdThralls today, @RachelVoorhees. Are they fair game for #SommChat????? ;-)
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@AdamPlotkin sure would be interesting if created by you 4 #SommChat up 2 @EdThralls & @RachelVoorhees if they play
KeeperCollection @keepercoll CU 2day #SommChat 11AM CST, 12 N ET w/ @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW @Eno_DC @CharlesComm @SommCat @local913 @mmWine
ENO DC _@Eno_DC @KeeperColl Always a pleasure! Thank you. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@eno_dc sure and look forward to your questions for all to learn from on #SommChat and today we learn @SonomaWCW
SonomaWCW @SonomaWCW Happy #WineWednesday! Today's the day for #SommChat about all things #Sonoma #wine and #food! Noon ET
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Do YOU know where your...#Wine glass is?!? #SommChat TODAY 9amPT with @RachelVoorhees & @SonomaWCW
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess Will do my best to be there, might have to lurk do to a unscheduled meeting. #SommChat
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas #TXwine stop and chat 2day #SommChat with #Sommelier @RashelVoorhees @rsvineyards 11am-12n CT. #GetTheScope @KeeperColl
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas Oops! I think that was supposed to be #GetTheScoop! #SommChat #TXwine @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl CU 2day on #SommChat 11AM CST, 12 N ET w/ @RachelVoorhees on @SonomaWCW @MWCWINE @travelwinechick @SommelierSara @robbin_g @ormiga
Elizabeth Smith _@travelwinechick Hope to pop in & at least say hello, Rachel! #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @SonomaWCW @MWCWINE @SommelierSara @robbin_g @ormiga
ormiga _@ormiga tummy bug=me bugged=next 1 @travelwinechick @KeeperColl @mwcwine @rachelvoorhees @robbin_g @sommeliersara @sonomawcw
Laura Perret @uflof Looking fwd to @KeeperColl #SommChat today! @SonomaWCW #SonomaWCW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Thanks @uflof look forward to your questions on #SommChat on @SonomaWCW #sonoma with @RachelVoorhees
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Just a few minutes until we chat #Sonoma food and wine with @rachelvoorhees and @KeeperColl! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl #SommChat 11AM CST w/ @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW @winepoynt @vintryfinewines @primlanikitchen @lorakappen @protocolwine
PROTOCOL wine studio _@ProtocolWine Talk to @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards #SommChat
Gourmet Delights _@exceptionalfood Every Wednesday at noon EDT join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl CU 2day #SommChat 11AM CST, 12 N ET w/ @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW @oldgrimy @donajilira @Raelinn_Wine @hvwinegoddess
Donaji Lira _@donajilira Join in on #SommChat today! in a few minutes! 11AM CST, 12 N ET w/ @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine fr Certified #Sommelier @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd like to introduce you to @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards who will talk about on @SonomaWCW #sonoma #SommChat #WW
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl So excited to be here today for #SommChat! @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Good morning from Chicago! Neatening my tie; want to look sharp for our guest @RachelVoorhees - #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @demilove @KeeperColl Ha! Of course you are! #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess Hi Douglas @demilove #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess Whoo Hoo @RachelVoorhees Welcome #SommChat I'm here for a bit till my meeting begins #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @hvwinegoddess Happy to have you here! #SommChat
Meghan M. _@TraveleatloveMM #SommChat is happening now! Follow @SonomaWCW @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @rsvineyards for chat about #Sonoma #food & #wine
Bart Hansen _@DaneCellars Hello @RachelVoorhees hows everyone @rsvineyards please tell my friend Christophe hello. #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards @DaneCellars @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl We'll pass on your hello! Cheers! #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @DaneCellars @rsvineyards @KeeperColl I will! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @rsvineyards Ready for #SommChat!
Barbara Cox _@bcsanfran RT @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @RachelVoorhees 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Laurel Glen Vineyard _@LaurelGlen #Sonoma County diversity, mountains & coastal locale =Balanced & Food Friendly #Wine #SommChat @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine with Certified #Sommelier @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW #sonoma #SommChat
Carlyn Topkin _@ctopkin @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW Let's do it! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees Who/What inspired you to learn about #wine and #food? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/2) My parents. Dad has been collecting #wine my whole life & my mom is killer in the kitchen! #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl Watching how much u enjoy drinking birth year wines w your Dad gave me idea to collect birth yr wines 4 my son!
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees looks like you got the best of both :) @KeeperColl #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/2) #Wine #Food when paired correctly complement each other like nothing else in this world. Inspired me 2 study #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Rachel, When I visited CA in spring, spent most of my time in the "N" wine region, not Sonoma - what are main differences?
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - forgot to add #SommChat to my last ?
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @demilove Napa is much warmer than some parts. Also #Sonoma is known for growing so many diff varieties very well #SommChat @KeeperColl
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl - Rachel, after #SommChat , please check your DM in Twitter; I sent you a personal ? Thanks!
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @RachelVoorhees What's your career path been to @rsvineyards?#SommChat @KeeperColl
Rachel Voorhees @RachelVoorhees @VintageTexas @rsvineyards @KeeperColl Masters in Education & #Somm @ICCedu, worked for @Wine_com & @BevMo writing about #food #wine
Iron Horse Vineyards _@IronHorseVyds Hello #SommChat friends. We are ready to talk #Sonoma with a glass of Classic Vintage Brut.
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Good morning @RachelVoorhees Who are your mentors in the wine industry? Thanks #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @SandyWasserman @Sommambulism @gkruth are great mentors from #somm perspective in wine industry #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@SonomaWCW can you tell us about the event #Sonoma Starlight at @coppolawine ? #SommChat
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Sonoma Starlight at @coppolawine is a wonderful evening of wine, food, music. @KeeperColl #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess Shoot - appointment just pulled up, see you in a few. Sorry :( #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @hvwinegoddess - Good luck, Debbie! - #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards #SommChat @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW @RachelVoorhees What are you most looking fwd to this year @ Sonoma Wine Country Weekend?
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW We're looking forward to all of the great events of the Weekend & raising money for local organizations! #SommChat #TheProceedsMatter
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @rsvineyards @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW Meeting all of the new #somms that will be competing & building new relationships #SommChat
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @RachelVoorhees What was it about @rsvineyards that attracted you? #SommChat @KeeperColl
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @VintageTexas Not only does @rsvineyards make great #wine, family ownership rocks & treats everyone as family #SommChat @KeeperColl
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess What a great work environment #SommChat
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl Hi all! What inspired @rsvineyards to start the huge support of somms, the Cab academy, etc. and when? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @yrmom_safoodie Hi there #SommStar WINNER!!!! #SommChat @KeeperColl @rsvineyards
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @yrmom_safoodie 5 yrs ago We believe in #Somm education, want 2 support & bridge 2 people who love #wine #SommChat @KeeperColl @rsvineyards
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees What is unique about #Sonoma #Wines versus #wines of other regions? #SommChat
Iron Horse Vineyards _@IronHorseVyds Sonoma has such diverse AVA's / wine varieties. #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/3) #Sonoma #Wines are so unique depending on where fruit from. Cool, Moderate, Warm climates all in 1 region #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/3) The uniqueness really comes from grape variety. You can grow almost any variety in #Sonoma & do it well #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (3/3) Variety in soil in region from plate tectonic movement leads to variety & ability to grow so many grapes #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @SonomaWCW who will you be raising money for with the event this year #SommChat #Sonoma
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW @KeeperColl Past proceeds have benefited many #Sonoma County organizations. Visit our site for info! #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb CHEERS @RachelVoorhees Tell us about a day working in Sonoma County #Wine? #SommChat @RSVineyards
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @amylieberfarb It's all about tasting great #wine & always looking for ways to make sure expression of place & land #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @SonomaWCW how does someone register for the weekend and what are the dates? #SommChat
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Sonoma Wine Country Weekend is Sept 4-6. Tickets for events are available on our site: #SommChat @KeeperColl
Shana Bull (Ray) _@sharayray One of my wine and FOOD events of the year! #SommChat @SonomaWCW
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - I've enjoyed Rodney Strong's wines, but know little about the man. Is he still alive? What did he plant first? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @rsvineyards can you answer @demilove question below and #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards @KeeperColl @demilove Absolutely! Rodney was a successful dancer before retiring & turning to his second love, winemaking. #SommChat
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @demilove @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @rsvineyards sadly he passed in 2006, but was a dancer! #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards @KeeperColl @demilove #SommChat The Klein family purchased the winery 26 years ago & family owned since. Rodney passed away in 2006
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @sonomaWCW can you tell us about the event called Taste of Sonoma at MacMurray Estate Vineyards #SommChat #Sonoma
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Taste of Sonoma at MacMurray Estate Vineyards brings together 200 wineries & 60 chefs in a beautiful space #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Is drought of an issue in Sonoma compared to Napa ? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees @RachelVoorhees @demilove @KeeperColl The drought is an issue everywhere in CA however did just get some rain last week! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q. @RachelVoorhees Have you made wine? Any desire too? If so what & where? Thanks #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @SandyWasserman I actually help @EdThralls make #PinotNoir @ThrallsWine. I would also love to make #bubbles! #myfave #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin@RachelVoorhees @SandyWasserman @EdThralls @ThrallsWine She helps drink a fair amount of Thralls Wine too! ;-) #ThrallsToTheWalls
Thralls Wine _@ThrallsWine @RachelVoorhees @SandyWasserman Bubbles may have to be the next project ;) #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@Thrallswine that would seem appropriate, right @AdamPlotkin ? #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin @KeeperColl @ThrallsWine Looking for investors? :-) #SommChat @RachelVoorhees
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @AdamPlotkin @KeeperColl @ThrallsWine Always looking for investors!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees What are some of your #food pairings with #Sonoma #wines ? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/2) Always go local! #Sonoma has some of best chefs, farmers & produce in country! #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/2) @duskieestes #Zazu #bacon w/ @rsvineyards #PinotNoir is always fantastic & my fave! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @RachelVoorhees - How has your experience as a sommelier helped you become a better winemaker? - #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @demilove Ability 2 taste differences in #wine during aging process, check 4 faults, & write kick ass #wine tasting notes :-) #SommChat
Jolene Patterson _@jolenespatter @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees - I love @SonomaWCW it showcases the beauty & diversity of Sonoma County - always an annual highlight #SommChat
Davis Bynum Winery _@DavisBynumWines RT @jolenespatter: @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees - I love @SonomaWCW it showcases the beauty & diversity- always an annual highlight #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DavisBynumWines great to see you back on #SommChat happy #WW
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @rsvineyards who can @SonomaWCW folks look forward to seeing out there for the 2015 #sommstars?? safe to ask?
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW sorry, #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb #Sonoma Wine Country Weekend brings together over 200 #wine-makers & chefs! #SommChat @SonomaWCW
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @RachelVoorhees Still shock waves? @rsvineyards #Rockaway social media release @SteveHeimoff @#SommChat @KeeperColl
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @VintageTexas That predates my time @rsvineyards #SommChat @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees Is there a particular type of #food that pairs best with #Sonoma white and red #wines ? #SommChat @SonomaWCW
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/2) There is a huge variety of #Sonoma #food #wine but I love #SonomaCoast #Chard w/ Hog Island oysters #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/2) #AlexanderValley #Cabernet paired w/ local beef is really hard to beat! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees yes & yes! yum... @KeeperColl #SommChat
Iron Horse Vineyards _@IronHorseVyds The beauty of #wine - everyone has a different palette. #SommChat Though, we love fish w Chard & pork w Pinot.
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees What was some of your most memorable #Sonoma #wine that you have tried? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/2) @rsvineyards '74 & '77 Alexander's Crown Single Vineyard Cab #RSV25 diner in #Sonoma. FANTASTIC! #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/2) Also, I'm a sucker for @HanzellVineyard & @FlowersWinery #Chard & #PinotNoir #Sonoma #SommChat
Flowers Winery _@FlowersWinery RT @rachelvoorhees: A. @KeeperColl (2/2) Also, I'm a sucker for @HanzellVineyard & @FlowersWinery #Chard & #PinotNoir #SommChat < WOOT!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @rachelvoorhees how does @sonomawcw choose #wineries to participate? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW wineries are members of @sonomavintners & asked to participate & pour #SommChat
Sonoma Valley Wine _@SVGrapesWine Join us and learn about @SonomaWCW - going on now with @RachelVoorhees ! Search #SommChat and follow along!
Ken @ alawine @alawine @KeeperColl sorry late, construction traffic @RachelVoorhees @SonomaWCW @MattMcGinnis @winechix @Sassodoro @i_on_food_drink @WineauxDLynnP
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl great to see you here @alawine on #SommChat - hope things are well with you!
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Last year @SonomaWCW Ziggy @ZiggyTheWineGal paired small bites & Sonoma County #Wine Yum! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees Tell us about @SonomaWCW ? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/3) All about showcasing #Sonoma #Wine #Food & bringing people 2gether 4 good cause @SonomaWCW #HarvestAuction #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/3) The chefs serve, the winemakers pour & the proceeds matter! @SonomaWCW #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (3/3) Proceeds go 2 Fund the Future literacy programs thruout #Sonoma @SonomaWCW #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees good cause! @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Raised a glass with the lovely @jolenespatter last year at @SonomaWCW Ready for 2015! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @amylieberfarb @jolenespatter awww :) @SonomaWCW #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees What #wine regions have you not visited yet that you would like to see? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (1/2) Do I have more than 140 characters to answer this?!?!? :-) #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl (2/2) Fave so far was #Champagne. Want 2 go 2 #Bordeaux #Burgundy #Mosel #Alsace #Loire #Piedmont #Tuscany #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees in France! ;) @KeeperColl
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees hey Rachel, if you haven't already said, what's your fav part of being a somm? ...& most challenging? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @alawine Fave- tasting all diff types of #wine from around world & most challenging is not enough time in a day 2 keep studying! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: how many ppl attend @SonomaWCW ? @RachelVoorhees
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW A few thousand people attend. Who wouldn't? Awesome #food #wine! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@sonomaWCW can you tell us about the Sonoma Harvest Wine Auction @csjwines #SommChat
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @DavisBynumWines One of my fave places! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @DavisBynumWines great to see you back on #SommChat happy #WW
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW The Sonoma Harvest Wine Auction is the flagship event of Sonoma Wine Country Weekend, and the most fun fundraising event! #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards RT @SonomaWCW: Sonoma Harvest Wine Auction is the flagship event of Sonoma Wine Country Weekend & the most fun fundraising event! #SommChat
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @SonomaWCW Truly amazing what y'all do! Congrats on a record year last year and here's to another record in 2015! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @yrmom_safoodie Cheers to that! @SonomaWCW #SommChat
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Thank you! #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Taste #wine from small batch family owned wineries @SonomaWCW One my Faves @DaneCellars #SommChat
Bart Hansen _@DaneCellars Thanks for the love @amylieberfarb taste soon OK? #SommChat #SonomaChat
Thralls Wine _@ThrallsWine RT @amylieberfarb: Taste #wine from small family owned wineries @SonomaWCW One my Faves @DaneCellars #SommChat < Yay for small wineries!
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @ThrallsWine I thought yours was going to be a big winery Ed @amylieberfarb @SonomaWCW @DaneCellars #SommChat
Thralls Wine _@ThrallsWine @alawine @ThrallsWine @amylieberfarb @SonomaWCW < LOL! Alawine has a great sense of humor ;) #SommChat
Ed Thralls _@EdThralls .@KeeperColl Full Disclosure: I have special feelings for @RachelVoorhees #greatsomm #greatwoman #greatmom #SommChat ;)
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @EdThralls @KeeperColl Awwww thanks babe! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @EdThralls #specialfeelings :) @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Last year @SonomaWCW Ziggy @ZiggyTheWineGal paired small bites & Sonoma County #Wine Yum! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @amylieberfarb @SonomaWCW @ZiggyTheWineGal Ziggy! #SommChat
DLynn Proctor _@WineauxDLynnP I'm late, but hey @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl. Looks like you've been rocking it ay! #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @WineauxDLynnP Hey you! Thanks for stopping by! #SommChat @KeeperColl
Ed Thralls _@EdThralls RT @WineauxDLynnP: I'm late, but hey @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl. Looks like you've been rocking it ay! #SommChat < She's #Lethal like that
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @WineauxDLynnP great to see you on #SommChat - we are due a call - must find a time soon :)
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees You seem to travel a lot w/ work @rsvineyards and work also w/ @ThrallsWine and... - How do you manage time? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl It's all about balance & easy 2 do when u love what u do! Also make massive To Do Lists! #SommChat @rsvineyards @ThrallsWine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl thanks to all for #SommChat trending with @RachelVoorhees talking Abt @SonomaWCW #Sonoma
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @SonomaWCW I'm afraid I have to run. Thx for a gr8 #SommChat! I hope to visit Sonoma soon!
Rachel Voorhees @RachelVoorhees @Sassodoro Thanks for being here! #SommChat @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees Thanks for joining us!
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW WOOT! Love trending on Twitter! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees trending 3rd here #PrimeDay & #WineWednesday above, Justin Bieber & Nick Saban below / LOL @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl love this @alawine @RachelVoorhees is above #primeDay and #wineWednesday IOO #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb I like to start #WineWednesday with #Bubbles @SonomaWCW @GloriaFerrer #SommChat #Wine #SonomaChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@yrmom_safoodie as you were the @SonomaWCW winner 2014, what was spc to you in the wkend in #Sonoma ? #SommChat
David Keck@yrmom_safoodie @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW @RachelVoorhees camaraderie & support in #sonoma is amazing, the joy in great wine and a cause is palpable #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @rachaelvoorhees Any wine trends you seeing up your way we can expect? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @SandyWasserman Malbec coming out of Northern #Sonoma & new from @rsvineyards rocks! #SommChat
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @RachelVoorhees Very Cool about #Malbec in #Sonoma #SommChat @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees What do you like to do in your personal time? #SommChat
Ken @ alawine @alawine @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees < you have personal time? :)
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl Spend time w/ my 2 kids, @EdThralls, garden, taste new #wine, hike, visit coast, and hit the gym! #SommChat
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees @EdThralls & find 5 minutes to visit with alawine & alawife ??? pretty please @KeeperColl
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - "You Need To Come Here" - said by my @airbnb host after my recent visit to CA - #SommChat - any tips for making the move?
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @demilove I am a true believer in following dreams. Just do it. Huge support in #wine community @KeeperColl @Airbnb
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl It's scary though. I am just Intro with the Court - so much competition out there! - #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @RachelVoorhees how are #Somms picked to compete in @SonomaWCW and what is involved in the COMP?
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @rsvineyards works w/ @SonomaWCW variety of #somms from around country COMP blind tasting, food/wine pairing, service #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@yrmom_safoodie did you have to prepare for the Competition @SonomaWCW and if so how? #SommChat
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW I think the #sommstars all spent time boning up on the changing AVAs, but mostly tried to #breathe #SommChat
Ed Thralls _@EdThralls @yrmom_safoodie @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW So modest! #SommChat
Sip on This Juice _@amylieberfarb Oyster Shenanigans at Wine Country Weekend 2014 @TheOysterGirls & @sharayray @SonomaWCW #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @SonomaWCW what set @yrmom_safoodie apart to win last year? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @yrmom_safoodie Not only rocked the blind tasting, his service skills are impeccable #SommChat @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl helped that you poured awesome wines for us to blind! #SommChat @rsvineyards @ThrallsWine @RameyWineCellar
Countess Rose Perry _@VinoCaPisco Disappointed to miss this #SommChat. LOVE fellow certified somm chick, @RachelVoorhees! I'll check timeline later.
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @VinoCaPisco hey Countess, good to see you, thanks for checking in with @RachelVoorhees #SommChat
Countess Rose Perry _@VinoCaPisco @alawine @RachelVoorhees Sorry to have missed it... Up against a deadline. Cheers! *clink*
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @VinoCaPisco so happy to hear you on #SommChat even if just for a sec:)
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees can you tell us about the concept of the small vintners paricipation @SonomaWCW #SommChat
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas @RachelVoorhees #SommChat @yrmom_safoodie @KeeperColl @alawine @SandyWasserman @demilove @DavisBynumWines others Hope to CU @TEXSOM Cheers!
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl @SonomaWCW Perfect event to get your name out there b/c so many ppl attend who LOVE #Sonoma wine. Helps grow biz! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@RachelVoorhees What inspired you become a Certified #Sommelier with @mastersommUS ? #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl Drinking (1/2) '82 Mouton in Hawaii w/ Dad & experiencing change in #wine over time like nothing else experienceed #SommChat
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees A. @KeeperColl Drinking (2/2) Decided 2 study @ICCedu. Approved @mastersommUS #somm program @Sommambulism was best teacher! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ Certified #Sommelier @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards on @SonomaWCW #SommChat
David Keck _@yrmom_safoodie @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW Thanks @RachelVoorhees ! and @KeeperColl for hosting, as always #SommChat
Rodney Strong _@rsvineyards Thanks @KeeperColl for hosting another great #SommChat! @RachelVoorhees @SonomaWCW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Thank you @rsvineyards for all you do in the #wine industry and for being a part of #SommChat today - come again!
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @yrmom_safoodie Thanks for participating! #SommChat @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards join us today for #SommChat on @SonomaWCW. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Certified #Sommelier @RachelVoorhees of @rsvineyards for her time on @SonomaWCW #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Thank you @RachelVoorhees - great #SommChat today!
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @RachelVoorhees Super fun #SommChat Rachel! Great to 'see' everyone this morning! (((group hug)))
SonomaWCW _@SonomaWCW Thanks so much to @RachelVoorhees and @KeeperColl for today's #SommChat! We hope to see you all Labor Day weekend!
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @SonomaWCW can't wait! @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl #SommChat
DPEM Event Marketing _@dominicphillips As if we needed another excuse for a visit to Sonoma #SommChat @SonomaWCW
Russ Kane _@VintageTexas Many thanks @RachelVoorhees for #SommChat today @KeeperColl
Ken @ alawine _@alawine @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees @dbrogues @VintageTexas < Fun #SommChat ya'll! Thanks!
Rachel Voorhees _@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl Thanks for having me! So fun! Thanks for participating everyone! #SommChat @rsvineyards @SonomaWCW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Mark UR calendar for #SommChat w/ Master of #Wine @jendocherty Wed 7/22/15 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!