So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

7/25 Argentinian Winemaker Laura Catena
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): 8 minutes & counting – can’t wait to hear @malbeclife sing the praises of Argentinean wine! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from @MalbecLife! #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #winemaker Laura Catena @MalbecLife #SommChat #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @MalbecLife to say hello & so she knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl great to be here – I’m in Buenos Aires right now, just went to Aldo’s yesterday for a glass of wine, recommend! #SommChat
@LeRivageHotel (Le Rivage Hotel): Excited for another #SommChat with @Malbec and @KeeperColl! #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @MalbecLife our Qs, you can ask her your Qs as well! She’ll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): W/ so > participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, give a S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @MalbecLife let us know u R here! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @MalbecLife #WineWednesday #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): Good morning @malbeclife – enjoying the cool weather down there? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): @Argentineanwine yes because it is very sunny! #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl @MalbecLife welcome Laura! Happy to have you on this beautiful #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): Hi @MalbecLife excited to hear your insights! #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): @MalbecLife Welcome Laura! How do u balance your family, wine making career, being doctor AND traveling so much? It’s impressive! #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@RachelVoorhees @KEEPERCOLL I try to divide my life into the things that I do well and the things where I forgive myself #WW #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@RachelVoorhees @KEEPERCOLL (2 of 2) Being a good mother is Number 1 – you should feel bad for my husband! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @RachelVoorhees: @MalbecLife How do u balance your family, wine-making career, being doctor & traveling so much? Impressive! #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @KeeperColl @MalbecLife Q. Is Malbec in danger of the Merlot Syndrome? Do you think the flood of malbec will turn off the consumer? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@MauricesCru not at all – Malbec has been famous since the middle ages in Europe + then Bordeaux – here to stay + tastes too good #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): Hi everybody – my first time here. I am chatting from foggy San Francisco this morning! #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @vinopeteblog welcome! Where are you in the city? #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @CharlesComm Lower Pacific Heights in my home office. Thank you @KeeperColl #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@CharlesComm I’m in Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @malbeclife nice! Was there this past year, such a beautiful city! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife Back in the 1800′s in #Italy, what sparked your grandfather Nicola Cantena’s interest in wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl My grandfather’s family were farmers in Le Marche. He dreamed of owning his own vineyard in the New World #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl My grandfather was only 18 years old when he came to #Argentina #WineWednesday #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): Hello #SommChat Ready to read @malbeclife’s tweets from Argentina
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @malbeclife do you feel that there are major misconceptions out there among consumers about Malbec? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@CharlesComm many consumers don’t know how ageable Malbec is and that it can make really concentrated and profound wines #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl Good morning! Glad to meet you here on #SommChat Sorry to be joining a little late #WineWednesday
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @CharlesComm @malbeclife great question! #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl why the new world? and why argentina? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@SirenaDiVino 6 million Europeans, about 60% Italian came to Argentina in 19th and early 20th century – 20 million went to USA #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@SirenaDiVino Nicola, my grandfather, had heard that Mendoza was a great place to plant vines – it was in 1898 #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @MalbecLife thank you, I know Marche makes great stuff, so I was wondering what appealed to him about the New World. Glad he came! #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @MalbecLife Laura are there any developments on official sub-regions definitions? Where is real hard info available? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@noblewines I am preparing a map with all the details, tweet me in 2 wks or so and I will have it, or tweet @KeeperColl #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@noblewines the Viticultural Argentine Institute just released a list of 20 more official regions; there are already 30+ in MZA #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @MalbecLife What would you recommend as a great intro Malbec for someone to try? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@wineapp (The Wine App-Russell): @Wine_com @MalbecLife @KeeperColl Interested in this one too…. I love the texture and mouth feel of a well rounded malbec. #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Wine_com @KeeperColl La Posta Paulucci or La Posta Cocina Malbec, fruit forward, fresh and is a gorgeous single vineyard in Uco #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @malbeclife we know Malbec and Torrontes, but do you see more blended #wine from Argentina in our U.S. future? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@vtwinemedia @KeeperColl yes definitely, Argentine wines historically were blends, recommend the Tikal blends and La Posta Cocina #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @malbeclife Gracias! @KeeperColl #SommChat have enjoyed Bonarda in blends
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MalbecLife Any new projects outside Argentina for Catena? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@fernandobeteta @KeeperColl I am a limited partner at Paul Hobbs Winery in California but my winemaking heart is in Argentina! #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): I love Paul Hobbs! @MalbecLife I am a limited partner at Paul Hobbs Winery in California but my winemaking heart is in Argentina! #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @malbeclife thanks! We definitely agree. Do you have any favorite pairings for Malbec that are vegetarian friendly? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@CharlesComm @KeeperColl yes of course, grilled tofu with vegetables, goat cheese with eggplant, any kind of spicy Indian or Thai #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Who were some of the pioneering winemakers who first explored the potential of Malbec and Torrontes in your country? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@demilove @KeeperColl My father + Pedro Marchevsky, Jose Galante, Roberto de la Mota + his father, Arizu and Pulenta families #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @MalbecLife welcome Laura, could you speak about export vs Argentine consumption and does Argentina import much wine from US? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@vinetimestoo @KeeperColl there are lots of import restrictions by government – not fair – but Argentineans travel a lot to USA #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @vinetimestoo @MalbecLife wow, another great question! I’m being outclassed as a contributor here! #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): @MalbecLife Can you tell us about your personal project, Luca Wine? What was the inspiration for this line? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Argentineanwine @KeeperColl to make profound wines from small vineyards and old vines – named after my son Luca – love Luca Wnes #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @MalbecLife Good call on going with a fruit forward & fresh Malbec! Thx for rec! And single vineyards in Uco? #yesplease #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Gr8 intro Malbec @MalbecLife: .@Wine_com @KeeperColl La Posta Paulucci or La Posta Cocina Malbec, fruit forward, fresh, gorgeous #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @wineapp The texture of a well rounded Malbec really does make one stand out. And it’s SO food friendly! #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Wine_com @KeeperColl yes, La Posta Paulucci and Pizella both in Uco Valley and also the Catena Zapata Nicasia and Adrianna Malb #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @MalbecLife Aside from the classic beef & Malbec paring, what are your favorite foods to eat with Malbec? @KeeperColl: #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@enjoielife @KeeperColl anything a bit gamy like quail or lamb or pork and the sweetness in tannins goes with spicy food, curry.. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @MalbecLife do you still have that great Empanada Chef in Agrelo? #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): #SommChat @malbeclife @noblewines @wine_com @SirenaDiVino we are very impressed with the quality of questions – nice job laura keeping up!
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): Fact: doing #SommChat from 2 Twitter accounts is tricky business! LOL
@CHARLIEWINES (CHARLIE ARTURAOLA): @MalbecLife Ciao!! #SommChat” how was this last harvest? Laura!
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@CHARLIEWINES @KeeperColl Hola!!!! It was outstanding, low yields, phenomenal quality…we are thanking the harvest god! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife Most Argentinian #wine families have #Italian roots- how do these roots influence #Argentinian wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl We like 2 drink our #wine as much as we enjoy making it. We get history, passion & artisanship from the Italian roots #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): .@MalbecLife Luca Chard & Pinot are from the Gualtallary (the G-Lot) vyd — why is this the right spot for them? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Argentineanwine @KeeperColl gravelly soils, well drained, very, very cold at almost 5,000 ft elevation, calcareous soils, ideal spot #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @Argentineanwine Really impressed w/ @malbeclife keeping up! It’s not easy! #SommChat @noblewines @SirenaDiVino
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Wine_com @KeeperColl gracias amigo! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife Your father had a huge role in cultivating the Argentinian #wine industry- how has he influenced your #wine career? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl My father inspires me every day, and he is the most humble person I know #WineWednesday #Winelover #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl (2 of 2) My father never stops learning and encouraging those around him to aim high #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife You launched your own #wine label in 2000, Luca Wines- what is your basic #winemaking philosophy? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KEEPERCOLL 2 make #wines I like to drink from places that R special b/c of their history, terroir & the people who farm them #WW #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @MalbecLife Did u know that Tilia Cabernet was our #1 wine last year determined by customer preference? Delicious & super value! #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Wine_com @KeeperColl yes, that was such great news, please thank all your customers for us! #SommChat
@UBIWineSpirit (UBIFRANCEWine&Spirit): @MalbecLife What do you see as the future of Bonarda for #Argentina? #SommChat And what do people in AR really drink? Thanks! #wine
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@UBIWineSpirit @KeeperColl Bonarda is actually carbono, makes a fruit forward wine, very drinkable – future is good for Bonarda #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@UBIWineSpirit @KeeperColl Argentines drink mostly Arg wine especially love Malbec, Cab Sauv and red blends with a little age. #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): When I see a Malbec on the menu in a restaurant I feel like I won a prize. Have you ever not ordered a Malbec!? #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl Malbec seems to be a very versatile grape.Goes with a variety of foods! Can you speak to your white wines? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@enjoielife @KeeperColl, Uco valley Chard has peach, floral and minerality, so fish and creamy sauces, torrontes w corn empanadas #SommChat
@CHARLIEWINES (CHARLIE ARTURAOLA): @KeeperColl @malbeclife @alevigilmalbec #SommChat love the New hip orange-yellow label line too by the way! you are a pioneering family!
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@CHARLIEWINES quee???? #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): .@MalbecLife Why is the Luca Laborde Syrah a “Double Select”? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Argentineanwine @KeeperColl Laborde 1st made a selection in the Rhone 50 yrs ago, brought plants to Mendoza, and 2nd select #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @MalbecLife I like cool climate Syrah. What are some regions in Argentina producing cool climate Syrah? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@MauricesCru @KeeperColl great question, Luca syrah from cool climate in UCO Valley, lots of great syrah in cool Uco Valley #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl I have always loved Luca Syrah! My son’s name is Luca! I would’ve named my daughter Tikal, but chose Mia. #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @MauricesCru @MalbecLife @KeeperColl that’s legit. and I’m sure she’ll thank you later for that #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl @malbeclife Luca Laborde Double Select Syrah. Serious juice. & your chard! I usually don’t even like chard! #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@SirenaDiVino @KeeperColl and I love you!!!!! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @SirenaDiVino I agree. Catena makes some of my favorite Chardonnay outside of Burgundy! @KeeperColl @MalbecLife #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @malbeclife tu padre hizo un buen trabajo, que son superwoman! #SommChat @KeeperColl
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@vtwinemedia @KeeperColl Gracias amigo!!!! #SommChat
@adriennebyard (Adrienne Byard): @KeeperColl @MalbecLife What do you have to say to the anti-malbec crowd out there? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@adriennebyard @KeeperColl there’s lots other than Malbec to drink from Argentina, enjoy! and from the rest of the world. #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @adriennebyard @MalbecLife there is such a crowd? pretty sure they should be cursed to drink gallo jug wine the rest of their days #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl cheers to a fabulous, hardworking, amazing lady! #SommChat #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife What do you hope to contribute to the #Argentinian wine world with Luca #Wines? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl #Wines that make U want 2 get on a plane & fly 2 #Mendoza & picnic among old vines by the #Andes #SommChat #WW #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl #Wines with soul, Wines that are unforgettable… #WineWednesday #Winelover #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @MalbecLife with your father’s Italian background is he (you) doing anything with Italian varietals? Sangiovese or Barbera? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@vinetimestoo @KeeperColl yes we’ve tried many times especially sangiovese but it just doesn’t grow as well as Malbec C’e la vita #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @malbeclife U had GREAT interview with @garyvee on WineLibraryTV #SommChat folks should check out @KeeperColl
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @MalbecLife I’m at Society of @wine_educators conference & remember when you spoke in DC, glad you’re on #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): .@MalbecLife @KeeperColl What is your perfect pairing for Luca Malbec? Any other favorite pairings for the other Luca wines? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Argentineanwine @KeeperColl Lamb and Pork favorite with Luca Malbec, Fettucine Alfredo (my kids’ favorite) with Luca chard #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife You attended Harvard AND Stanford- has your extensive educational background influenced your #wine career at all? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl The science background is very helpful; medicine has an artisanal side that it shares with #wine #WW #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl ..But mostly I learned how to have high standards or at least try to #WineWednesday #Winelover #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): @MalbecLife what would you say is the difference between Argentinian Malbec and non Arg? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@LaurBreu @KeeperColl Arg Malbec has rich tannins that r velvety, almost sweet, French Malbec is a bit more rustic – love both #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl Yum!! All this food talk is making me hungry for lunch! #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @enjoielife @MalbecLife @KeeperColl yeah, I’m taking notes on all the pairing recommendations #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @SirenaDiVino Taking notes on pairing recommendations as well! Ready to open a Malbec tonight for dinner! @MalbecLife @KeeperColl #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@enjoielife @KeeperColl – great idea – let’s all drink malbec tonight… #SommChat
@LeRivageHotel (Le Rivage Hotel): Count us in! RT @MalbecLife: .@enjoielife @KeeperColl – great idea – let’s all drink malbec tonight… #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): Hear Hear! *Running to store* RT @MalbecLife @enjoielife @KeeperColl – great idea – let’s all drink malbec tonight… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife You are also the general director of the Bodega Catena Zapata #winery- what does this job entail? #WW #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl A bit of everything- #winemaking, viticultural research, blending, selling …. #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl …and being a cheerleader for the hardworking staff at LUCA and CATENA #WineWednesday #Winelover #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @malbeclife You’ve already written one book, Vino Argentino, with much success. Any plans for a second? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl We recently re-published a coffee-table version in English-Spanish and English-Portuguese… #WW #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl My next book will probably be a book about medicine #WineWednesday #Winelover #SommChat
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): .@MalbecLife @KeeperColl How do the Luca wines fair with bottle aging? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Argentineanwine @KeeperColl I prefer all my wines with age, especially the Luca wines, it depends on personal taste as well #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): @malbeclife @KeeperColl thank you! glad to know I can like both too #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @malbeclife Our intern is learning abt #wine – which of UR wines would U suggest that she start w/2 learn abt Argentinean wine? #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl probably the Luca Malbec which is my most classically Argentine wine #SommChat
@Craft1933 (Craft1933): @argentineanwine @MalbecLife @KeeperColl are there any causes Arg is passionate about? We sell wines & give $ to charity #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Craft1933 @KeeperColl our family is very passionate about education because my grandmothers were both teachers – scholarships #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SirenaDiVino – Hi Courtney! Hope you are enjoying #SommChat today!
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @demilove I am! though I don’t think my Qs are as good as others today (distracted). at least my #SommChat buddies have got it covered
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @MalbecLife I admire your vast array of duties all the best to you. @KeeperColl thanks for facilitating such a great wine producer #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@vinetimestoo @KeeperColl and thank you for attending! #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): Diff from Piemontese Bonarda, right? RT @MalbecLife I meant Bonarda is charbono or charbonneau de savoie as it is called in France #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@Sassodoro @KeeperColl DNA typing was done at UC Davis, story is in my book Vino Argentino, Arg Bonarda is not Ital Bonarda #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have @MalbecLife join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @MalbecLife for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@Craft1933 (Craft1933): @malbeclife @KeeperColl love to hear that, we will look into more of those kind of causes! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@MalbecLife (Laura Catena): .@KeeperColl Gracias everybody, come and see us in Mendoza… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Keep in the loop for upcoming guests & archives & sign up for our email list at #SommChat #WW
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl – great conversation! Here’s to an amazing lady, winemaker, mother & to the future of Argentine Wine! #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl @MalbecLife thank you for your time Laura! you are one incredible, amazing lady #RoleModel #WomenInWine #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl look forward to the map! Thanks for giving time to #SommChat along with all other list of to-do’s
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): thanks for the #SommChat, have to catch my flight to SFO now!
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl: It was great to have @MalbecLife join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl @MalbecLife Thanks for an inspiring #SommChat! #WineWednesday
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): Thanks everyone for the engaging chat! And especially @MalbecLife I will be sure to join again. #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @MalbecLife Thanks for a fantastic #SommChat! You are so impressive! Cheers!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): See you all next week at #SommChat! As always, please tweet me if you’re going to visit here in chicago!
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @MalbecLife @KeeperColl Thank you both for a great #SommChat! I’m only now catching up with the conversation. Breathless pace today!
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @VinoPeteblog Doug is an awesome wine buddy, always at #SommChat! @demilove it was such a distinctive last name that I had to ask
@tundra70 (Matthew Turner): I am game!!“ @MalbecLife: .@enjoielife @KeeperColl – great idea – let’s all drink malbec tonight… #SommChat”
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @malbeclife @KeeperColl thanks for a great #SommChat! Cheers!
@Argentineanwine (Argentinean Wine): Doc Catena shared the love of Argentine #wine today on #SommChat – for those who missed it we’ll retweet some of @malbeclife ‘s answers