So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

7/31 Wine Writer Jordan Mackay
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Wine #Writer & @TexSom Panelist Jordan Mackay #SommChat #Winelover
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @AndyOnFarmWine @forknbottle @SAHMmelier @ArdesiaWineBar @drinkAlsace @vinojefftaylor Fun #SommChat friends I have meetings
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re abt ready 2 dive in w/questions, so shout out 2 #Wine #Writer Jordan Mackay @jorgrama to say hello & he knows you’re here! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl @jorgrama @MyWineSchool – Hi Jessica! Hope you’re enjoying your summer! Looking forward to this week’s #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@1educatedpalate (Scott): “A person with increasing knowledge and sensory education may derive infinite enjoyment from wine” Ernest Hemingway #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with #Wine #Writer Jordan Mackay @jorgrama #WineWednesday #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @jorgrama Ready for #SommChat!
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl Great to be here on #SommChat. Writer, eater, drinker: whoever you are, ask me anything!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama How did U first become interested in #wine? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl I was 10 & read Ian Fleming’s Bond novels. Sex & Cold War were over my head, but Bond’s wine smarts captivated. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @KeeperColl @jorgrama Hi… I’m here and looking forward to chatting #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Ready for #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama Tell us abt UR program Varietal Focus: Benchmark Styles of Regional Classic Red Wines on Day 1 @Texsom. #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl Will explore properties & real-world applications of obscure varieties like Carignan, Pinotage, St George & more. #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl It’s going to be really interesting. Don’t sleep on this. #SommChat
@jjcarlen (jason carlen): love Secrets and your support of somms @jorgrama What are your thoughts on wine super centers ex. eataly? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @jjcarlen @KeeperColl I think things like Eataly are great. The opportunity to taste so much is a real boon. However can’t be … #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @jjcarlen @KeeperColl substituted for visiting regions and producers themselves. That’s where the real learning lies. #SommChat
@ormiga (ormiga): following #SommChat now thnx reminder @KeeperColl @ATXGastronomist @WPTUSA @1queenofspoons @LuluArroyo @robbin_g @Wine_com
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Howdy @jorgrama: Thanks for joining us on #SommChat today #WW
@WineFoodTX (Wine & Food Fndn TX): Howdy @jorgrama: Thanks for joining us on #SommChat today #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ormiga glad to remind for #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @KeeperColl We’re here in the #SommChat today with wine & spirits writer for San Francisco Magazine @jorgrama
@CandVSpirits (Classic & Vintage): @KeeperColl We’re here in the #SommChat today with wine & spirits writer for San Francisco Magazine @jorgrama
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): so glad you R here RT @DomaineSelect: We’re here in the #SommChat today with wine & spirits writer for San Francisco Magazine @jorgrama
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Yeah RT @CandVSpirits: @KeeperColl We’re here in the #SommChat today with wine & spirits writer for San Francisco Magazine @jorgrama
@ormiga (ormiga): interesting whys #pinotage obscure @jorgrama @KeeperColl other varieties MAY have tried couple times #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @ormiga @KeeperColl So many obscure varieties! Love Gaglioppo, Uva di Troia, Ahiorghitiko (Greece) to name a few … #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama U are the #Wine #Writer for @sanfranmag. How do you decide on UR topics? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl All about spotting trends in local drinking. Talk to somms, bartenders, brewers to find what’s emerging. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @jorgrama Q. fr @demilove Have U & @RN74 heard fr people who say “I want 2 Bcome a #Somm b/c of UR book or having seen the movie”? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl @demilove Absolutely. We wrote the book for them. The book is more inviting than movie for newbs, I would think! #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @jorgrama What have been some of your favorite regions to visit? …to write about? #SommChat #WineWednesday @KeeperColl
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @DomaineSelect @KeeperColl Well, Burgundy, Rhone Campania!, Sicily, Friuli, Alto Adige & Piedmont. Galicia. Jerez. WIllamette. #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @jorgrama You must try #Casoni1814 for your next aperitif. It’s our favorite @CandVSpirits #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama: What AVAs produce your favorite Pinots? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @alawine @KeeperColl – Santa Barbara County, Sonoma Coast. Willamette. Otherwise, Chambolle, Volnay, Gevrey. Waipara. Otago. #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @alawine @KeeperColl I like the classic features: grace, perfume, etc. Love a Pinot w texture. Balance btwn fruit & earth. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Keep those questions coming on #SommChat for @jorgrama – you only have 1 hour to keep him busy:) can’t wait to see him @texsom lead panels
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): good question Ken luv our pinots RT @alawine: @jorgrama: What AVAs produce your favorite Pinots? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @CandVSpirits:@jorgrama Any 1 publication you rely on 4 trends? blog? Or is it all communication w/ professionals themselves?
@ormiga (ormiga): jealousy #whome=YES=am i the only one who PAYs to chug #wine =/ #SommChat @jorgrama @KeeperColl
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @ormiga @KeeperColl No, I pay to chug too!! #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): Better late than never to #SommChat.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @CandVSpirits: @jorgrama @KeeperColl …better yet, what is a new #trend you are seeing in spirits industry? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl @candvspirits No 1 pub. Look at W&S mag, blogs like @vinography. Also catalogues @KermitLynchWine & @RareWineCo! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): for sure RT @DeniseClarkeTX: Better late than never to #SommChat.
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): Lost track of time…heading over to #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama Heard you will lead discussion on State of the Industry/Sommelier Roundtable on Day 2 @Texsom. Thoughts on topic? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl Should be electric. Issues facing somms today: exams, job market, professional advancement. So much to talk about. #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @jorgrama What is the one secret of #sommeliers you wish more novices knew? #SommChat #wine #WW
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @enjoielife @KeeperColl These days, it’s service. How to approach a table and listen to the customer without ego or agenda. #SommChat
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): Great question! @KeeperColl: #SommChat RT @CandVSpirits:@jorgrama Any 1 publication you rely on 4 trends? blog?
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @CandVSpirits @KeeperColl Pisco is growing, which is great. Aperitifs, which I love, like Gran Classico, Aperol are huge now. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @alawine: @jorgrama thank you. what taste characteristics of Pinot do you prefer? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@jjcarlen (jason carlen): @jorgrama @KeeperColl #SommChat I agree completely. @guildsomm is doing a great job sponsoring trips. Traveling has helped me the most.
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @jjcarlen @KeeperColl @guildsomm True. Travel is everything in wine! #SommChat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): Good morning #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): and 2 you as well ! RT @TheWineKey: Good morning #SommChat!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @TheWineKey – Hi charlotte! Welcome to #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @TryArgovino: @jorgrama If you’re interested in Argentina’s wines, you might also want to check out !
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): . @TryArgovino @KeeperColl Thank you! #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): RT @jorgrama A. @KeeperColl Should be electric. Issues facing somms today: exams, job market, professional advancement. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama Pls share abt the 2 books U have published. Can U tell if U have more in the works? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl Last 2 books are Secrets of the #Sommeliers and Two in the Kitchen. I do have more in the works. Next up: Texas BBQ! #SommChat
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): Great question “@enjoielife: @jorgrama What is the one secret of #sommeliers you wish more novices knew? #SommChat #wine #WW”
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @demilove: @jorgrama – Do u think wine consumers R > curious about “new to them” wines in a restaurant compared to wine shop? – #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @demilove I do. Restaurants are best places to get people to try new things by glass. But, if they want Chardonnay …#SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @demilove … They should be allowed to have that too and not pushed into, say, Falanghina. #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama What is the best kept Secret of the #Sommeliers? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @alawine @KeeperColl Hmm, best secret. Probably that there are still great inexpensive wines. Shop by producer 1st & foremost. #SommChat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): Q. @jorgrama What makes a restaurant’s wine list stand out to you? What is one way a Somm can enhance their program? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl
@TheWineKey Lists -For me, A good list mixes top well-known producers with lesser-known. should establish trust … #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @TheWineKey …By communicating thru stab channels. Don’t only dazzle me w obscurity-Give me something to hang on to #SommChat
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): @KeeperColl @jorgama Texas BBQ? Will this be a wine book? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): . @MyWineSchool @KeeperColl BBQ book not on wine- branching into food, an equal love & something I want to write more about. #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth):RT @hvwinegoddess: Lost track of time…heading over to #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama UR book Secrets of the #Sommeliers was a James Beard Award winner. How did this make U feel? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl A rush. Recognition not easy to come by for writers & this was of highest order. We all need approval now & then! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove Hi Douglas! Happy to connect with you on #SommChat
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): way to go Kay – gr8 to see you here RT @ATXFoodnews: RT @hvwinegoddess: Lost track of time…heading over to #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great question! RT @alawine: @jorgrama What is the best kept Secret of the Sommeliers? #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): RT @jorgrama best secret of sommeliers- prob that there are still great inexpensive wines. Shop by producer 1st & foremost. #SommChat
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): @jorgama @KeeperColl Do share – who are your fav value producers? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @MyWineSchool @alawine Value producers. Better yet, regions – Vinho Verde
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Registered for the Master Somm Course, Need all the Help I can Get..#SommChat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @PrimlaniKitchen Best of luck! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama: can you recommend some producers of great inexpensive #wines? #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @alawine @jorgrama What is the best kept Secret of the Sommeliers? #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @jorgrama: @1educatedpalate @enjoielife @KeeperColl True that! #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @enjoielife Please … spread the word. Being Remarkable leads to loyalty. Loyalty is sustainable. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @jorgrama @enjoielife @KeeperColl In Hospitality, Excellence is no longer good enough. Be Remarkable. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @jorgrama @KeeperColl @TheWineKey you seen wines lists with wine from Priorato DOCa – up and coming region or under-appreciated?#SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Secrets is a couple of years old now, but one thing that really impressed me was quality of paper and photography – #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Was there a reason you went strictly with B & W photography? – #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @jorgrama @KeeperColl Well, if you’re writing a BBQ book, you’re bound to turn up in Austin at some point. #SommChat
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): RT @1educatedpalate: @enjoielife Please … spread the word. Being Remarkable leads to loyalty. Loyalty is sustainable. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): we ditto that! RT @dbrogues: Hey @jorgrama what are your thoughts on the wine biz in TX? Ever think of moving back? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @dbrogues @KeeperColl Devon! Wine biz in TX on up and up. Some impressive local wines. Moving back? Too hot! 60 in SF right now. #SommChat
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): @jorgrama @KeeperColl good luck! I’ve recently decided to food writing too… would love to hear any tips on doing both #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @CaravelleChamp – Good morning, Rita! Thinking of coming to visit NYC for long weekend in Aug or Sept – hope you will be around! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @jorgrama RT @demilove: @KeeperColl – Was there a reason you went strictly with B & W photography? – #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @demilove @KeeperColl Thx so much.. @edandcamera designed/photoed the book, so maybe he’ll answer why B&W photo choice. Ed? #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Mille Grazie! Any Pointers? @TheWineKey #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): @jorgrama @KeeperColl Ha. Last year state of the industry @TEXSOM was #negroni! #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): indeed! RT @tmarshalljones @jorgrama @KeeperColl Ha. Last year state of the industry @TEXSOM was #negroni! #SommChat #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @jorgrama your favorite italian wine? #SommChat #wine
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): .@m_arcon @KeeperCoA So many IT wines (besides Monfortino)? Love Frappato and Etna Rosso. Crisp Terlano P Grigio. Montevertine. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): @jorgrama @dbrogues @KeeperColl yes, some great #TXwines. Come on’ll get used to the heat. (not) #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @ATXFoodnews right? @jorgrama @KeeperColl #texas #bbq #SommChat
@WineFoodTX (Wine & Food Fndn TX): Woah! @dbrogues is on #SommChat #itjustgotreal
@MyWineSchool (Jessica Bell DWS): @KeeperColl @jorgrama Thanks for all the great info! Have to run a lil early. Hope to catch you all next week! #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @KeeperColl I’m late again for #SommChat!
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): True that @jorgrama @KeeperColl #SFisfoggy #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): we hope so too RT @MyWineSchool:@jorgrama Thanks for all the great info! Have to run a lil early. Hope to catch you all next week! #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @MyWineSchool @KeeperColl Trying to figure out myself! For me, it’s cooking. Ideas come from what find myself doing in kitchen #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @jorgrama have you had any experience with Brazilian Wines? What are your thoughts? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @MauricesCru No experience w Brazil wine. Very curious, tho. 2 harvests a year? Crazy. Love cachaca, however! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @jorgrama is guest – hop in RT @noblewines: @KeeperColl I’m late again for #SommChat what’s the topic and guest?
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @dbrogues @jorgrama @KeeperColl I must admit my fav Sunday brunch pairing is @JSM_Meat’s brisket and bubbly. #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @alawine @atxfoodnews @KeeperColl Indeed. Did u know I grew up in Austin? Shoal Creek. Austin is bbq central & I’ll be there. #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Wouldn’t miss @jorgrama ! “@WineFoodTX: Woah! @dbrogues is on #SommChat #itjustgotreal”
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): @ATXFoodnews @jorgrama @KeeperColl @JSM_meat and Rosé bubbles at that! #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @dbrogues @KeeperColl WIth bbq I like rich but not too hoppy beers, lambrusco is fantastic, chilled reds. Mezcal! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @noblewines Jordan Graham Mackay @jorgrama #SommChat
@SiduriWines (Adam Lee): @jorgrama @MyWineSchool @KeeperColl BBQ — Texas, Kansas City, North Carolina? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @SiduriWines @mywineschool @KeeperColl Love all styles, but really, is there anything else but TX when we’re talking BBQ? #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Sunday Brunch Usually starts with Bubbly in My Kitchen!! @ATXFoodnews @dbrogues @jorgrama @KeeperColl @JSM_meat #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): “@KeeperColl @jorgrama Heard u will lead discussion on State of the Industry/Sommelier Roundtable on Day 2 @Texsom. Stoked 4 this #SommChat”
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @KeeperColl just made it. #SommChat @jorgrama I’m working on my first #wine list, feel overwhelmed. So many #wines to choose from. Advice?
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): . @vinetimestoo @KeeperColl Focus on the menu! Wines should emanate from food. Then flush out w alternatives and crowd pleasers. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): RT @jorgrama . @dbrogues @KeeperColl WIth bbq I like rich but not too hoppy beers, lambrusco is fantastic, chilled reds. Mezcal! #SommChat
@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @KeeperColl @jorgrama limited reception on Amtrak, but tuning in. #SommChat #nyc
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @jorgrama @alawine @KeeperColl “Austin is bbq central” — that is one true statement! #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @jorgrama lambrusco is finally getting some respect after sooo many years. good to see it not on ice anymore #SommChat @KeeperColl
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama @atxfoodnews @DeniseClarkeTX @KeeperColl for me it was grad school at UT, some great #Texas #BBQ #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): I am a NC bbq gal…with vinegar sauce. What wine pairs with it? @KeeperColl @jorgrama #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @DeniseClarkeTX @KeeperColl Tough one! I’m a vinegar fanatic too. High acid wines-Riesling, schiava, and, yes, Pelaverga! #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @dbrogues @jorgrama @KeeperColl what inexpensive Rosé bubbly would you rec to pair with brisket & beef short ribs? #SommChat #TXBBQ
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @ATXFoodnews @dbrogues @KeeperColl Great qu. Gruet’s not bad. Bugey Cerdon from France (off dry). And try a rosé Lambrusco. #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @jorgrama Thanks! I hadn’t thought of Bugey Cerdon. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT. @vinetimestoo: @KeeperColl just made it #SommChat @jorgrama I’m working on my 1st wine list, feel overwhelmed. many wines Advice? nice Q
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): limited or not glad you are here RT @mattreiser: @KeeperColl @jorgrama limited reception on Amtrak, but tuning in. #SommChat #nyc
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @jorgrama @enjoielife @KeeperColl Listening is so true. Not being pretentious … thank you for that comment. True! #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @jorgrama Terlano is such an interesting producer… have you had old Sauv Blancs from them. Great ageable wines #SommChat @KeeperColl
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @KeeperColl @noblewines It is on Kindle and you can search inside on for excerpts. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @noblewines @vinetimestoo @KeeperColl @jorgrama Welcome Good Sir. #SommChat
@champagnecheers (ChampagneFrameOfMind): @primlanikitchen we like that answer! #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): “@dbrogues: .@jorgrama @KeeperColl love chilled red in the TX heat.” #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @deniseclarketx Just realized I haven’t seen you IRL since #SommsUnderFire. That’s way too long. #SommChat
@CandVSpirits (Classic & Vintage): Love @MaedeOuro! RT @jorgrama:@KeeperColl @MauricesCru No experience w Brazil wine. Very curious, tho… Love cachaca, however! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): MT @CalliopeCo on way up 2 #AndersonValley for some those lovely #Pinots @navarrowine @EsterlinaWine …& bubbly @Schramsberg #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @1educatedpalate great twitter handle: @vinetimestoo @KeeperColl @jorgrama Welcome Good Sir. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): Agree! You going to #TEXSOM? RT @ATXFoodnews @deniseclarketx Just realized I haven’t seen you IRL since SUF. That’s way too long. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama What is a fav #wine experience/memory for you? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl Fave exp: 1990 Giacosa Falletto Riserva snuck into Fellini flick. Tasting @ Coche. Harvest lunch at Au Bon Climat. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @howardggoldberg: A man here says foods should emanate from wines. What say you to that? @jorgrama @vinetimestoo @KeeperColl #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): @howardggoldberg @vinetimestoo @KeeperColl Yes, that is also true and the case at my house! A wine is a catalyst too. #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @deniseclarketx Unfortunately missing #TEXSOM due to schedule conflicts. We need a #SommChat happy hour meet up, @KeeperColl!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): YESSS RT @ATXFoodnews: @deniseclarketx Unfortunately missing #TEXSOM due to schedule conflicts. We need a #SommChat happy hour meet up
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @KeeperColl when making selections at restaurants I assume. 4 me it depends on restaurant & reason I am there #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): We have one called De Chanceny cremant de Loire. About $15 and delish @ATXFoodnews @jorgrama @KeeperColl @wholefoodsatx #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama So which is it? Half empty or half full? #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @jorgrama: A. @KeeperColl on Kindle you can search inside for excerpts. #SommChat I’ll give it a lookieloo soon
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama As a #Wine #Writer how do you spend your time when U aren’t writing about #wine? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperColl Cooking & tennis are favorites. Chilling w the wife. Big sports fan. Nature. Drinking wine more fun than writing! #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @noblewines Howdy! Happy #ww and good to see you at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jorgrama U have UR own blog What R some fav things to blog about and why? #SommChat
@jorgrama (Jordan Graham Mackay): A. @KeeperCol Blog subjects-Food & cooking are major interests–the key to understanding wine, IMO. Love talking football, tennis. #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Cheers! @demilove #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Agree with @jorgrama @ATXFoodnews @KeeperColl @LambruscoDay #Lambrusco rockin idea with #TXBBQ #SommChat
@DeniseClarkeTX (Denise Clarke): I just downloaded Secrets to my ipad…can’t believe I haven’t read it yet! #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Mille Grazie! Back to Studying, so many more wines to taste, Sante! @TheWineKey #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @dbrogues Now that is in my price range! #SommChat #BBQandWine
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @jorgrama @atxfoodnews @KeeperColl @1educatedpalate Well, that was a fun #SommChat Thanks ya’ll!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with #Wine #Writer Jordan Mackay @jorgrama #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have #Wine #Writer @jorgrama join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @jorgrama Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking #Wine #Writer & @TexSom Panelist Jordan Mackay @jorgrama for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If anyone missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark UR calendar for #SommChat with Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff & @TexSom Speaker on Wed 7/31 at 11 AM CST !