So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

7/6 Cocktail Expert Bobby Heugel
See what you missed at #SommChat on 7/6 as we chatted with Cocktail Expert Bobby Heugel of Anvil Bar & Refuge.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #cocktails for the next hour from a #mixologist!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I’d like to introduce every1 to #cocktail expert @Bobby_Heugel of @AnvilHouston joining us to answer your #cocktail Qs #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): It’s a real treat to have you join us, @Bobby_Heugel, for this special #cocktail edition #SommChat – I hope everyone has Qs ready!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If you’re joining us for #SommChat, pls give a shout out to @Bobby_Heugel so he knows your here & can keep an eye out for your Qs!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @Bobby_Heugel our Qs, you’re welcome to ask him ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Near the end of the hour, we’ll announce the winner of a FREE @AnvilHouston #Gin class on July 30th from 1-3pm from @Bobby_Heugel #SommChat
@zachkpearson (Zachary Pearson): Looking forward to #SommChat with @Bobby_Heugel.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): But don’t forget, you gotta tweet using #SommChat to win – Good Luck! Let’s start talking #cocktails!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): What are some signs, when you are visiting a bar for the first time, that you are about to have a quality drinking experience? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@demilove Good bar signs? Vermouth kept cold, bartenders shaking the right amount of time, weird booze, and water! #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @Bobby_Heugel @demilove I like your answer. I generally just go by whether I stick to the floor or not! Ha ha. #SommChat
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): @demilove I always look at the back bar – interesting selection beyond the standard pours – single malts, unique liqueurs etc #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @Bobby_Heugel Do you have a favorite #spirit to make #cocktails with? If so, what makes it your fav? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@KeeperColl I love to make cocktails w agave based #spirits aka tequila, mezcal, sotol, etc They kinda got me into this #sommchat
@zachkpearson (Zachary Pearson): Why are older cocktails (say pre-WWII) not as obsessed with balance as modern ones? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@zachkpearson I think they are, but often you have to tweak those recipes bc of modern ingredients, juices, etc. It’s a diff time #SommChat
@WholeFoodsATX (Whole Foods Austin): Time for #SommChat with @KeeperColl – ask @Bobby_Heugel your cocktail questions now!
@ATXGastronomist (Kathryn Hutchison): @keepercoll @Bobby_Heugel I’m here! Glad to see everyone at #SommChat this week!
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): .@Bobby_Heugel Drop it like it’s hot for #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): @Bobby_Heugel What is the proper combination for vest / derby hat / handlebar mustache for Mixologists? I’m asking for a friend. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@ShitMySommSays Your friend is going to wrong bars! Contrary to trends, no req. & dont trust guy who calls himself mixologist! #SommChat
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @Bobby_Heugel What’s your favorite bottle of bubbles for under $40 ($20 retail)? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@RickBakas All of my bubbles end up in cocktails…ok to say whatever is dry enough to balance a good drink out? Cava can work… #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I’ll take a #Cava #Cocktail! RT @Bobby_Heugel: @RickBakas All my bubbles end up in cocktails. Cava can work… #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @Bobby_Heugel What’s your “go-to” #cocktail? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@RichardsLJ Right now I LOVE my Tipperary version: 2.25 Powers Irish, .75 oz Carpano Antica, .5 oz Gr Chartreuse. Stir/Up/No Garn #SommChat
@zachkpearson (Zachary Pearson): Bobby, you recently got back from Mexico and met with the CRT – is there any good news you’d like to share about tequila? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@zachkpearson Meetings in Mex were insightful. Tequila is going to reach a point where it must change. We’re pushing the issue! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Interesting RT @Bobby_Heugel: .@zachkpearson Meetings in Mex were insightful. Tequila will reach a point where it must change. #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): @Bobby_Heugel Would the Shake Weight exercise give you a competitive advantage to shake cocktails? #SommChat
@WholeFoodsATX (Whole Foods Austin): Ha! RT @ShitMySommSays What is the proper combination for vest/derby hat/handlebar mustache for Mixologists? Asking for friend. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): 100th time I’ve heard this this week. RT @ShitMySommSays: @Bobby_Heugel Would the Shake Weight exercise… #SommChat
@amberdemure (Amber Demure): I’m not a fan of the sweet, @Bobby_Heugel can you recommend a cocktail other than a martini? (p.s., give us back @drinkswmindy!) #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@amberdemure You need to go for the bitter! Campari is your friend! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Campari is certainly my friend! RT @Bobby_Heugel: .@amberdemure You need to go for the bitter! Campari is your friend! #SommChat
@SpoonMeForkMe (Spoon Me Fork Me): @Bobby_Heugel Any good cocktails made with Sochu up your sleeve? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@SpoonMeForkMe Haven’t worked with it a whole lot personally; do you have any? #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Another ? for @Bobby_Heugel – Is it just as challenging to keep up with trends/changes in cocktail world as it is in wine world? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@demilove Im a menu junky; I’m always checking out other bars. But, I don’t like to keep up; I like to avoid them! Do different! #SommChat
@MattReiser (Matt Reiser): @Bobby_Huegel what do you think will be the next hot spirit? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): I think Japanese Whisky is going to explode! RT @MattReiser: @Bobby_Heugel what do you think will be the next hot spirit? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Cool! Any place we can find that yet? RT @Bobby_Heugel: I think Japanese Whisky is going to explode! cc: @mattreiser #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll @mattreiser You can get Yamazaki 12 & 18 regularly as well as Hibiki, we will see if more come! #SommChat
@MattReiser (Matt Reiser): @Bobby_Heugel I could see #japanesewhisky doing quite well #i’lldrinktothat #SommChat
@BostonSommelier (Boston Somm Society): Absolutely! RT @MattReiser: @Bobby_Heugel I could see #japanesewhisky doing quite well #i’lldrinktothat #SommChat
@ATXFoodNews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): Ooh RT @bobby_heugel: I think Japanese Whisky is going to explode! RT @MattReiser: what do you think will be the next hot spirit? #SommChat
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): @Bobby_Heugel Sadly, not very many Japanese whiskies avail here in Canada, but right now, Indian is hot here @MattReiser #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): We just got Amrut; it’s amazing! RT @i_on_food_drink: @Bobby_Heugel Not very many Japanese, but Indian is hot here @MattReiser #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Better late than never? Hey #SommChat
@liquidaustin (Liquid Austin): @Bobby_Heugel Any new spirits on the TX market you are particularly excited about? Or ones coming soon? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): Bols Genever should hit TX any day! Finally! RT @liquidaustin: @Bobby_Heugel Any new spirits on TX market you are excited about? #SommChat
@liquidaustin (Liquid Austin): I hope so!! RT @Bobby_Heugel Bols Genever should hit TX any day! Finally! (re: Any new spirits on TX market you are excited about) #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Today is National Fried Chicken day, @Bobby_Heugel what is your favorite beverage to pair with fried chicken?! #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): Beer & Bourbon & Beer…RT @winesellersltd: @Bobby_Heugel what is your favorite beverage to pair with fried chicken?! #SommChat
@MichtersWhiskey (Michters): well you know our answer! RT @Bobby_Heugel @winesellersltd what is your favorite beverage to pair with fried chicken?! #SommChat well
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): @Bobby_Heugel I heard that “slapping” the herb helps release essential oils for a Pineapple Express High Ball..#SommChat
@SpoonMeForkMe (Spoon Me Fork Me): @Bobby_Heugel Any suggestions on getting my servers to sell and my guests into Rose? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): Blindfold the male guests? RT @SpoonMeForkMe: @Bobby_Heugel Any suggestions on getting my servers to sell my guests into Rose? #SommChat
@SpoonMeForkMe (Spoon Me Fork Me): @Bobby_Heugel Beautiful! Welcome to your S&M themed wine tasting. Bring out the blindfolds and the gimp! #SommChat
@ATXFoodNews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): LOL RT @bobby_heugel: Blindfold the male guests? RT @SpoonMeForkMe: Any suggestions on getting my servers 2 sell my guests Rose? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @Bobby_Heugel SO many different #cocktail types– Classic, fancy, prohibition, mixed drink… What’s the diff & what do YOU do? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll I like to make drinks simple, tasty drinks that people haven’t experienced before – original or otherwise. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll It’s hard to say our current menu- Summer of the South fits into any of those genres. Thats why I like it! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Since u mentioned it… Q. @Bobby_Heugel What is “Summer of the South” & what made you start the project @anvilhouston? #cocktail #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Summer of the South is an exclusive tribute to the rich cooking, ingredients, and drinks of the South #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Its inspired by consciousness of community. More bars emphasizing regional programs = WAY more interesting #SommChat
@SpoonMeForkMe (Spoon Me Fork Me): @mutineermag Follow @KeeperColl and #SommChat It’s good stuff
@mutineermag (mutineermag): What’s up, #SommChat!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @Bobby_Heugel Can you give an example of an iconic Southern-inspired #cocktail? & maybe even the recipe (pretty please!)? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Riff on Mississippi Punch- .5oz each Rye, Agricole, Cognac, Lemon, Turbinado SSyrup, Dash Ango. Crush Ice Fresh fruit #SommChat
@ezekiel_b (Ezekiel Becerra): @Bobby_Huegel What’s your favorite tequila you can find regularly in Texas? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@ezekiel_b “Regularly” makes it tough, but I think Tequila Ocho can be found reg with a little work. The upcoming vintage rocks! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Great #tequila tip! RT @Bobby_Heugel: .@ezekiel_b I think Tequila Ocho can be found reg w/ a little work. Upcoming vintage rocks! #SommChat
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): @Bobby_Heugel If you have regular customers, do you find them sticking w/a fave cocktail or willing to try different? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Good question @i_on_food_drink! #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@i_on_food_drink Our regs keep us on our toes more than anyone else. They always want new drinks and ask about old recipes! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @Bobby_Heugel How often do you come up w/ new #cocktails & phase out others? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Not that Hou actually has seasons- has Summer & Non-Summer, but we change 4 times a year just to stay fresh w guests #SommChat
@BostonSommelier (Boston Somm Society): Great question! RT @keepercoll: Q. @Bobby_Heugel How often do you come up w/ new #cocktails & phase out others? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thx @BostonSommelier #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): @Bobby_Heugel do you find more “regular” people into cocktail rather than just industry buzz? Trans. how mny ppl come frm suburbs?#SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drewhendricksms I think the interest in cocktails, wine, coffee, etc is positively correlated w a broader food movement. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drewhendricksms As that movement permeates more media and cultures it grows – even in the burbs! #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): .@Bobby_Heugel totally agree! We see a lot of it just didn’t know how big it was for you? Obviously u guys get a lot of pub. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drewhendricksms Honestly, I think the nature of drinking and HOU’s lack of mass transit keeps the burbs from coming in too often #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drewhendricksms HOWEVER, the growing interest for us to consult for programs in all areas continues to grow. So that’s revealing #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): .@Bobby_Heugel distance is the no 1 factor #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): .@Bobby_Heugel no doubt you should look at a suburb friendly concept. Woodlands katy pearland #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drewhendricksms I might have another cocktail bar in me but Id rather keep working w talent to generate personality led concepts #SommChat
@drinkwellaustin (Drink.Well.): @Bobby_Heugel I’m a huge sherry & madeira fan. What’s your fave cocktail made with fortified wines? -Jess #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drinkwellaustin I like the Parkeroo from Charles H. Baker’s Jigger, Beaker, and Flask – spanish isn’t all tequila & sherry share #SommChat
@usbgaustin (USBG Austin): @Bobby_Heugel Did you make it home to find your bar in one piece after the recent #ATXAnvilInvasion? #SommChat @keepercoll
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@usbgaustin ATXAnvilInvasion was incredible! So humbling w great ATX bartenders in house. I returned drunk=best friend’s wedding. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @Bobby_Heugel What’s your method for creating new #cocktails? How many attempts typically until it’s ready for the menu? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Cocktails best when inspired and team effort AKA on this menu they draw from spec South ideas. 100s attempts needed #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll @BartenderAlex Zydeco Fiddle- Gin, Trinity (Cajun Mirepoix), Lemon, Apricot, Celery, Ginger Beer is a good example #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Very cool! RT @mutineermag: @keepercoll @Bobby_Heugel Anvil Bar and Refuge has a nod in the upcoming issue of Mutineer Magazine! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @Bobby_Heugel We hear that youve joined @cshepherd13 to open @UnderbellyHOU. Whats the concept & how’ll #cocktails be featured? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll @UnderbellyHOU will share Chris’ perspective on the Story of Houston Food. Dining should be narrative and regional! #sommchat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll In other words, food will be inspired by farmers, Houston history, and the diverse cultures of our city. Can’t wait! #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Very cool RT @Bobby_Heugel: food will be inspired by farmers, HOU history, & the diverse cultures of our city. Re: @UnderbellyHOU #SommChat
@drinkwellaustin (Drink.Well.): @Bobby_Heugel you said the nxt hot spirit (japanese whisky) What cocktail or spirit trend do you think is the next to fade away? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@drinkwellaustin How about a bar trend? “SPEAKEASIES” ARE DEAD! Quit hiding behind a curtain and serve some damn drinks! Oops… #SommChat
@ATXFoodNews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): Enjoying it , love @bobby_heugel’s perspective. RT @keepercoll: Welcome @ATXFoodnews! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @bobby_heugel do you have any favorite wine-based summer cocktails? #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): As always, Matt w my fav questions RT @MattMcGinnis: @bobby_heugel do you have any favorite wine-based summer cocktails? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@MattMcGinnis Here’s a simple tasty one: 2oz Sauv Blanc, Cynar& Soda, 2 Dash Org Bitters. Stir all in highball w rocks – easy! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): #Cocktail Recipe! RT @Bobby_Heugel: .@MattMcGinnis 2oz Sauv Blanc, Cynar& Soda, 2 Dash Org Bitters. Stir in highball w rocks-easy! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @Bobby_Heugel: @beardfoundation nom, @SAVEURMAG blog award, the awards keep coming. Have these recognitions changed ur career? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Accolades=Momentum to work w other folks: @anvilhouston Staff, Chris @UnderbellyHOU, Kevin @HayMerchant & more soon #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Im not interested in owning a bunch of thinned out concepts. Im interested in showcasing others’ talents in Houston. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Awesome mentality RT @Bobby_Heugel Not interested in owning bunch of thinned out concepts. Interested in showcasing others talents #SommChat
@liquidaustin (Liquid Austin): @Bobby_Heugel How is @HayMerchant coming along? Any TX #craftbeers striking your fancy right now? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@liquidaustin @HayMerchant is coming along great. @kevinanvil is the biggest beer nerd ever. We can’t wait to get it open for him #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): Love @jesterkingbeer Drinkin the Sunbelt – great brew! RT @liquidaustin: @Bobby_Heugel Any TX #craftbeers striking your fancy now? #SommChat
@emmajanzen (Emma Janzen): @Bobby_Heugel I like the @jesterkingbeer stout as well. Good stuff. #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): In my opinion, they only make great beers! RT @emmajanzen: @Bobby_Heugel I like the @jesterkingbeer stout as well. Good stuff. #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @bobby_heugel Looking forward to seeing the #TXcraftbeers on the menu at @HayMerchant CC @liquidaustin @kevinanvil #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @Bobby_Heugel Do you ever bring back former #cocktails at @anvilhouston and why? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Typically, we only bring them back for Best Of or other special menus. There’s no realistic way to prep for them all! #SommChat
@StemGrip (StemGrip): Late to the party this week, lookin’ good! #SommChat
@VinoCaPisco (Countess Rose Perry): @Bobby_Heugel Last night I made equal parts campari, nero d’avola & pulp-free orange juice. What would you call it? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@VinoCaPisco A good tradition for naming cocktails is to always ask the first person you serve the drink to to name it for you. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Great tradition RT @Bobby_Heugel: @VinoCaPisco A good tradition for naming cocktails is ask the 1st person u serve it to 2 name it #SommChat
@zhcr (Zach Hayes): @Bobby_Heugel what cocktail should every man know how to make? #SommChat
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): No question about it: A Manhattan! RT @zhcr: @Bobby_Heugel what cocktail should every man know how to make? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): That’s all the Qs WE have for @Bobby_Heugel – if any1 has other Qs, ask away! We’ll announce our #giveaway winner momentarily #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): And the winner of the #SommChat #giveaway for a FREE @AnvilHouston #gin class on 7/30 from @Bobby_Heugel is @ezekiel_b! Congrats!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Just two weeks to #WBC11 ! (wine bloggers conference!) Who on #SommChat is attending?
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks to everyone for joining us for our special #cocktail edition #SommChat! I hope you learned something about #cocktails & @Bobby_Heugel
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I hope everyone will join me in thanking @Bobby_Heugel for an awesome job sharing his #cocktail knowledge! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken): Rockin’ #SommChat @RickBakas @ATXFoodnews @WholeFoodsATX @drewhendricksms @i_on_food_drink @zachkpearson @MattReiser @liquidaustin
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Join us next Wed 7/13 at 11 AM CST for another #SommChat & more #wine secrets from awesome #burgundy #winemaker, DAVID CROIX! #WineWednesday
@Bobby_Heugel (Bobby Heugel): .@keepercoll Thx for asking me to participate. I never to get to all questions on Twitter anyway, so this made me get off my ass! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Great job and great #cocktail Qs everyone! See you next week! Thanks again @Bobby_Heugel! #SommChat