So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

8/21 Master Sommelier Ronan Sayburn
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #Master #Sommelier Ronan Sayburn @Ronan_SayburnMS #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Master #Sommelier Ronan Sayburn @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @Ronan_SayburnMS to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@Adam Plotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl @Ronan_SayburnMS Good morning, #SommChat tweeps!
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @Ronan_SayburnMS Ready for #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @Ronan_SayburnMS our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u don’t ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @Ronan_SayburnMS let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with #Master #Sommelier @Ronan_SayburnMS #WineWednesday #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl Hello everyone, nice to be here – isnt technology amazing! #SommChat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): @KeeperColl will be tuning in #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning all! #SommChat always puts the Hump into my Hump Wednesday (actually, not sure what that means.) Welcome to all!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove great to see you here as always on #SommChat
@M10_HyattAustin (Marker 10 Bar): RT @KeeperColl: We’re about ready to dive in w/questions. S/o to @Ronan_SayburnMS to say hello #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @VineyardGate great to see you on board at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS U r developing UR own business The RS Wine Academy. Tell us more about this. #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Its a mix of consultancy to trade and private customers and wine training for both, WSET 2 and 3 also #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Plus a lot of my own masterclasses on mixed subjects like Burg and Bordx and Faults, Closures or Food/Wine #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl I want it to be very varied as I don’t like too much routine – will still do MS teaching and international judging #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl I write UK Somm Comp each year with Gerard Basset, plus do comps for Sherry, SAfrica, also Decanter #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): Excited for #SommChat this AM reporting in from lovely #SF #CA!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @M10_HyattAustin welcome to #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @vinogger look forward to seeing your q’s on #SommChat today
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): Good morning from #Vegas @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat #WW
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @KeeperColl @Ronan_SayburnMS We’re here at #SommChat to talk wine on #winewednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. What are some of the common misconceptions that ppl have abt #Bordeaux? #SommChat #WW
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl They do in seem less friendly and more aloof than others, but they have small Chtx and friendly producers too! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @DomaineSelect great to see you on #SommChat
@ATXFoodWineAlly (ATXFood&WineAlliance): @KeeperColl finally making it to a #SommChat. Hello everyone from #ATX
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): Forgot to say hi to @KeeperColl as well! #SommChat #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @harleywine1 great to see you Harley on #SommChat – look forward to your questions
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ATXFoodWineAlly so glad you can join in on #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Checking in on #SommChat this week ~ just signed up for @Ronan_SayburnMS website, not sure why but site looks very cool @KeeperColl @alawine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @noblewines so glad to see you at #SommChat – where is your buddy @alawine?
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl … #wine #wiyg #foodies
@vinogger (Melanie): @Ronan_SayburnMS What would you say is the biggest trend in #wine right now? Is there a “hot” varietal or region? #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @Ronan_SayburnMS what do u feel is the most exciting part of the #wine world right now? @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl @harleywine1The wines are very consistent and easy to follow depending on vintage so good for long term planning and cellaring #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl Won’t be at #SommChat today. Will check archives and touch base later. Have a good one!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – “Newbit” should be “Newbie” in my question – #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @Ronan_SayburnMS What are some innovative things developing now in Bordeaux? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @OWOCWines #SommChat damp weather means they get rot/disease so they are working on pest/rot control – eg. pheromones for sexual confusion
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @enjoielife we will miss you – will see you next time on #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @Ronan_SayburnMS what do u think is the biggest challenge facing the #wine business today? @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @harleywine1 @KeeperColl #SommChat Not wanting to sound like Mondovino but standardisation and blandness are a problem
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @ormiga: thats OK let folks continue misconceptions @Ronan_SayburnMS so #bordeaux remains CHEAP(er) for us ordinary#earthlings #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @vinogger: @Ronan_SayburnMS What would you say is the biggest trend in wine right now? Is there a “hot” varietal or region? #SommChat
@ormiga (ormiga): thats OK let folks continue misconceptions @Ronan_SayburnMS @KeeperColl so #bordeaux remains CHEAP(er) for us ordinary #earthlings #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @harleywine1: @Ronan_SayburnMS what do u feel is the most exciting part of the #wine world right now? @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @harleywine1 @KeeperColl #SommChat 95% of wine sold is quite dull – sounds harsh I know but as sommeliers we see the best
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @Ronan_SayburnMS agreed, thoughts on how we as wine professionals can counter that? @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @harleywine1 @KeeperColl #SommChat high volume supermarket wine may increase wine consumption but some people never get to see great wine
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @noblewines – Did you receive your email confirmation yet? I’m still waiting for mine; maybe there’s a server issue – #SommChat
@jillzimorski (Jill Zimorski): Yay for #SommChat with @Ronan_SayburnMS — my first introduction to you was watching a video of you opening a bottle of port with a feather!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): MT @demilove: @ronan_sayburnms – heard from #somms that coaching a newbie 2 Pass somm exam is as rewarding as when Udid it-agree? – #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Tragic weather conditions all over France in 2013 – can any of their regions recover before harvest? – #SommChat
@jillzimorski (Jill Zimorski): @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat – which I should mentioned inspired a fierce hunt for Port Tongs with @plepeltier when we were in Portugal!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @demilove: @ronan_sayburn Tragic weather conditions all over France N 2013 – can any of their regions recover before harvest? – #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl @demilove #SommChat Yes floods, hail in Burg, Brd, Alsc, Champ – they may get second growth of grapes but small harvest
@markperlaki (Mark Perlaki): Live from the ringside RT @Ronan_SayburnMS: .@KeeperColl Hello everyone, nice to be here – isnt technology amazing! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @markperlaki great to have you on board at #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat What do you think about Greek wines, I love them and there is lots of buzz about them now
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @Winochic #SommChat I love Greek wine! Any country that stick to indigenous grapes (Austria/Hungary) is pretty cool by me.
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @Winochic #SommChat Greece was bad 15-20 years ago but the wines from there now are unique/full of character – although unpronounceable !
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Winochic great to see you at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): MT @AdamPlotkin: @Winochic Def some good ones out there! Just need to sort wheat fr chaff. But certainly not limited 2 #Greece. #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @Ronan_SayburnMS From my notes @TEXSOM am I correct St. Estephe masculine & St. Julien more feminine wines? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @OWOCWines @TEXSOM #SommChat Yes – more gravel and cab is StE and more clay and merlot in StJ so softer and more feminine
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Are you kidding @jillzimorski ? A *feather* ?? @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): @Ronan_SayburnMS do u think its better to get people drinking high volume supermarket wine as opposed 2 none? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl @vinogger #SommChat Single vineyards and great provenance, people want to know exactly where things come from
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl @vinogger #SommChat I think Uruguay is making very interesting wines – Tannat not like in Madiran – soft balanced and elegant
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @vinogger #SommChat No, drinking any wine is better than none but as somms we need to capture their attn for some good wines and encourage
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .@vinogger #SommChat drinking good wine – quality not quantity drinking – its the somms responsibility and that does not mean expensive
@winecompass (WineCompass): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS @Winochic What are your favorite Hungarian #wine or grapes #SommChat
@markperlaki (Mark Perlaki): @KeeperColl @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat Bonjour! Allez, Global warming is causing a great deal of disruption, good news for English 2013? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @markperlaki @KeeperColl #SommChat Hi Mark – Invest in English vineyards quickly! Yes could cause diffent wine scene in 50 years
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @Ronan_SayburnMS @winecompass “portugieser”
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): .@Ronan_SayburnMS could you please explain differences in somm certifications such as MS, WSA, ASI, and others. Thanks. #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): Interesting choice, from Villany perhaps? RT @Winochic: @Ronan_SayburnMS @winecompass “portugieser” #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .@winecompass @Winochic #SommChat Tokaji or course! I like dry furmints, irsai oliver and kadarka plus they have some good cab franc blends
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @demilove: @noblewines – Did you receive your email confirmation yet? I’m still waiting for mine – #SommChat got mine all set
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): MT @Ronan_SayburnMS: @demilove Mentoring 4 MS is very rewarding-when Upass MS, big hole in UR life that U do miss strangely #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @markperlaki #SommChat just back from Chianti ~ global warming is a serious concern for them, they are taking note and watching carefully
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @Ronan_Sayburn I am loving the Lang-Roussillion wines, maybe they will get more notice due w/ weather issues in Burg. Thoughts?? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .@Winochic #SommChat Good point, L-R is an area not affected yes this year, so i am sure they will. Some great innovation coming from here
@jillzimorski (Jill Zimorski): @AdamPlotkin @Ronan_SayburnMS #SommChat See if this works! #Baller
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @Ronan_SayburnMS as former Somm, I find I need to taste the next flavor regardless of how good the wine is 1 glass is enough #SommChat
@garretwnagle (Garret Nagle): @sommchat I am in SF to eat @RN74. Where else should I visit? #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Any tips on finding good restaurant to work at so I can really learn details of Proper Service (looking now) – #SommChat
@garretwnagle (Garret Nagle): @KeeperColl I am in SF to eat @RN74. Where else should I visit? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @noblewines nice place to hide #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): @Ronan_SayburnMS so what value value wines do you recommend to expose those people to good inexpensive wine? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @vinogger #SommChat lesser know Loire eg Reuilly, Jasnieres and Burg e.g.. Pern-Verg, Maranges, or lesser known regions like Jura, Alentejo
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @davidwong1966: @Ronan_SayburnMS @KeeperColl @demilove cool, I was drinking with one of them tonight @yohannjousselin #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @jbonne, what would say? RT @garretwnagle: @KeeperColl I am in SF to eat @RN74. Where else should I visit? #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @Ronan_SayburnMS @Winochic #SommChat – Love the dry furmints and Kadarka Nagyapam – forget the producer
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @garretwnagle: @SommChat I am in SF to eat @RN74. Where else should I visit? #SommChat &
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS U formerly worked for @GordonRamsay. What did U learn most while working there? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Working for GR was a roller coaster, opened 10 rests in 8 yrs so learnt about managing teams and hard work! #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl I did my MS during this time, cant remember how I managed both! You have to be fanatical and driven, very focused #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @Ronan_SayburnMS What are some #wine regions that you want to visit soon? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @OWOCWines #SommChat I really like Austria, Mosel, Douro and Sonoma – my favorite at the moment! Would like to see progress in Croatia too
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS What do U enjoy doing in your personal time off when U aren’t educating others about #wine? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .A. @KeeperColl I spent 18 months off after GR and worked as scuba inst in Thailand and Malta, deep wreck diving with twin tanks #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .A. @KeeperColl Pretty intensive diving at 75m depth, so I enjoy that and recently sea kayaking on Thames and Kent coast #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @KeeperColl: nice place to hide #SommChat brought a film guy too… @volpaia expensive but killer content!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @noblewines @volpaia wow – beautiful #SommChat
@markperlaki (Mark Perlaki): Ahh! RT @Ronan_SayburnMS: @markperlaki #SommChat Hi Mark Invest in English vineyards quickly! Yes could cause diffent wine scene in 50 years
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @ronan_sayburnms: .A. @KeeperColl Working for GR was a roller coaster, opened 10 rests in 8 yrs #SommChat any in NY?
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS What is the best piece of #wine advice U can give someone studying for the MS? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Get a study group – 4 of us studied and passed together, you need support and competition to push yourself harder #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Theory is hard work. Practical from working in a good place. Tasting – keep it simple and have a solid structure #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .A. @KeeperColl As MS examiner I hear some ridiculous tasting descriptors, far too esoteric, they dont impress us very much #SommChat
@yumivore (yumivore): @KeeperColl @noblewines @volpaia indeed beautiful #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @ronan_sayburnms while @vinexpo many producers thought as an American I wanted Parkerized wines, they were so wrong #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS: @KeeperColl #SommChat wonderful 2C how @nyetimber have evolved in luxury market. @gusbourne @hennersvineyard making waves!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @KeeperColl: @volpaia wow – beautiful #SommChat video to follow in a few. Caught Carlo saying S. Casciano was Facist part of Chianti CL!!
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @noblewines @KeeperColl #SommChat Went to the London hotel NYC about a month after it opened – we had problems there! Stayed for 6 weeks
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @Ronan_SayburnMS Will your RS Wine Academy be mostly in Europe or will we get to enjoy you in the US too? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @OWOCWines #SommChat Europe for now – be great to do more in the States – enjoy my time there, somms are very enthusiastic and friendly
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS What R some fav red #wines for under $40.00 retail that you like now? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): .A. @KeeperColl Serre Nuove (Ornellaia) Hartford Pinot, Crozes Graillot, Neudorf Pinot Noir, 09 Sarget Gruaud Larose #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS What R some fav white #wines for under $40.00 retail that you like now? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Gaia/Sigalas Assyrtiko, Chidane Vouvray, any German Riesling, Ch Bauduc blanc and white Jura wines at the moment #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @ronan_sayburn do U see a difference between US and UK #Sommeliers and if so what? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl #SommChat Not really – all serious somms are pretty geeky, but very passionate and hard working wherever they come from
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @londonvino: @Ronan_SayburnMS @KeeperColl Study group great idea – most of mine passed MW theory & practical by second attempt #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @Ronan_SayburnMS How do U go about #food and #wine pairing? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): A. @KeeperColl Look to compare or contrast flavours, regional food matched with regional wines, simple food with the best wines #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @ronan_sayburnms Think it’s easier or harder now with better info via internet? #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @noblewines #SommChat Maybe its easier to get the info, but can be inaccurate so processing it is harder. The learning is still the hard bit
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with Ronan_SayburnMS #WineWednesday #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @Ronan_SayburnMS Thanks for sharing your passion for wine @TexSom & #SommChat I enjoy learning for you! #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have Ronan_SayburnMS join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Ronan_SayburnMS for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If anyone missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): Thank you!! Have a great day! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark UR calendar & get ready 4 #SommChat w/@jmolesworth1 #Wine Writer & Sr Editor @winespectator on Wed 8/28 at 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @KeeperColl Was “listening” in while working – great session. Some good insight. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): gr8 – come back each wk at this time:) RT @nzcomplexity: Was “listening” in while working – great session. Some good insight. #SommChat
@Ronan_SayburnMS (Ronan Sayburn MS): @KeeperColl Many thanks for ‘listening’ was an intense hour! Keep sending me questions if wish #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Ronan_SayburnMS for his time #SommChat looking forward to using his site
@vinogger (Melanie): #SommChat Thank you @Ronan_SayburnMS always fun to hear the perspective of others & to learn more about #wine!