So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

8/3 CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: RT @KeeperColl: Get ur Q’s ready 4 CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling ! C U on #SommChat tday on #WW at 12N ET!
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: @SommChat @KeeperColl @dbrogues @winedogboy @PedernalesWine @CrusBourgeoisUS can’t wait for #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: @ccwiner join in on #SommChat today!
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Get ready 2 talk w/ CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling on #SommChat 2day @ 12N ET #WW
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine w/ #CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling !
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: We’d like 2 introduce you to #CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling ! #SommChat #WW
Monika Elling @MonikaElling Very excited to be here today! Always a great show @KeeperColl @MonikaElling #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: As we ask Monika Elling @MonikaElling our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @MonikaElling 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Let’s start talking with #CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling about #Wine with #SommChat
Patricius Wine Tokaj @PatriciusTokaj: #WomenInWine #SommChat @KeeperColl @SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling What do women look for in a #wine that differs from how men shop for the same product? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Women have a sense of the esthetic. It begins with how they first SEE a wine @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Douglas Trapasso @demilove: @KeeperColl - Good morning, Monika! Looking forward to #SommChat today - we don't get publicists often as guests!
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Doug, I have been in the wine trade for 20 years, and blend wines around the world! Not typical PR @demilove @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @demilove Look forward to your questions so we all can learn on #SommChat with @MonikaElling
Wines of Hungary @WineofHungary: Katinka, co-owner of Patricius Tokaj, teaching her sons about the stages of vine growth... #wine #Tokaj #Hungary
Patricius Wine Tokaj @PatriciusTokaj: #WomenInWine #SommChat @WineofHungary @SommChat @KeeperColl
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr shy #SommChat peep @MonikaElling how did U get into UR #wine related biz and what advice do U have 4 someone wanted to enter the Biz?
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: I fell into the #winebiz from working in intl trade; have Madison ave marketing background @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Not sure there is a specific way to enter the field; most people I know came from diverse backgrounds @KeeperColl #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling Where have you seen real growth in work opportunities for women in the #wine world? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: There are openings on all sides of the business; as SOMMS, in Sales Mngmnt, winemaking and more @KeeperColl #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Women need to discover ALL aspects of this industry @KeeperColl #SommChat
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling As an aspiring female journalist, I am curious what role you see the media having in the wine market? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Media has huge role. You get to share the amazing stories of the people in wine biz @kaksonkaks @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling Thx 4 the response! Were there any people that especially inspired you to get in this business? Any mentors? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: I had great mentors such as Larry Soll, Cesar Baeza, Mark Lauber; not many women though @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT
Allison Smith @allisonsmith95: @MonikaElling how is #wine marketing different from other product marketing? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: The knowledge of wine is complex and it's lifelong learning @allisonsmith95 #SOMMCHAT @KeeperColl
Russ Kane @VintageTexas: I couldn’t agree more! #SommChat @KeeperColl How do you work it into a busy schedule sales/marketing requires?
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: great to see you here @VintageTexas on #SommChat - know you will have some good questions for @MonikaElling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: With a great support team and a custom strategy @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: It happens every single day. We look at our brands, competitives, and taste everything! @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: You also have to understand how to market through regulatory layers of the 3 tier system @allisonsmith95 #SOMMCHAT @KeeperColl
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: q fr #SommChat #Somm - do you think there are parts of US that offer more opps 4 Women N #wine than others & if so where @MonikaElling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Distribution and sales roles are critical, more today than ever before. GREAT wine sales people are needed @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling Also, what effect do u think Social Media has had on the wine world? Can you rec some resources to learn SM? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Good sources to look at are what companies outside of the wine space are doing @kaksonkaks @KeeperColl #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Social Media is a tremendous asset for brand building when well used. @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT @KeeperColl
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: It does require REAL skill, and it is a full time job. Big role for wine brands @kaksonkaks @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Formal training programs at local colleges offer cost effective options @kaksonkaks #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling What’s the biggest challenge that wineries face in appealing to women? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: They have to understand who their target is for a specific wine, and be sure it will have appeal. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Most wineries make wine, and then sell it to someone somewhere. This doesn't always work @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Attempting to understand your end-user can have a significant impact in your planning decisions @KeeperColl #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: This presents opportunities in critical major markets for women; many flex oppts @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Allison Smith @allisonsmith95: @MonikaElling Have you seen the number of women in the industry grow over the past few years or has it stayed consistent? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Some growth, but its limited. I want to see women in senior executive roles in distribution @allisonsmith95 #SOMMCHAT
Russ Kane @VintageTexas: @MonikaElling You’re right about education Modern business is global with new and new/old regions. How do you keep up? #SommChat @KeeperColl
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: At FMG we work globally, so I see and taste everything in that context @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling Have you seen a change in marketing towards female consumers over the last decade and if so how has it changed? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: We have some shifts in wine marketing from the largest producers who have a CPG directed strategy @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @p_staatz great to see you back on #SommChat today Happy #WW
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Q @MonikaElling who are your mentors in marketing & wine industry? Thanks #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: My former boss, Mark Lauber (Lauber Imports/SWS) was and is a great mentor, and a stellar example @SandyWasserman #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @SandyWasserman Hope your #WW is going well and always a pleasure to see you on #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Great to be here #SommChat
Vashti Roebuck @vashtiroebuck1: #wine #SommChat #winelover #Italian #weddingwednesday #WednesdayWisdom#wino#vino#
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling Do U think #wine mkt campaigns aimed directly at women with a feminine approach are offensive, successful, or both? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Depends! @KeeperColl I resent dumb wines, period. Especially when created by women. #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: I love great packaging with wine quality and price that over delivers. No need to see anything ugly on shelves. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Women are intelligent and make the majority of purchase decisions - let's market to them intellgently @KeeperColl #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove: @KeeperColl - Do you speak multiple languages? I would imagine that would be advantage in wine trade. - #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Yes, it is very helpful to speak multiple languages! @demilove @KeeperColl #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - do U see potential for #Sommeliers to get into your side of biz and what would be best approach? @MonikaElling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: To be a Somm is very challenging work focused on education and service. It's diff on the marketing side @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: It would not be a natural or easy transition even to sales. Diff skills, and that has to be learned from scratch @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling Do you think wine journalism has more travel involved than other journalistic roles? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: YES!! A big bonus, as wine country is always beautiful! @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT
Allison Smith @allisonsmith95: @MonikaElling thanks so much for your answers! Do you have any advice for young women who want to break into the #wine industry? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Define what your skills sets are to see what aspect of the #winebiz is best fit. @allisonsmith95 #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Education, sales, production --it's important to think about the appeal @allisonsmith95 #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling Do you have any insight into how men and women shop for #wine differently& if so how were the insights determined? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Women are professional shoppers for their families. Men shop quickly to fill a need, women to meet a want or desire. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr shy #SommChat peep: how do you determine who you will do biz with & have you ever "fired" a client and if so how @MonikaElling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Ah, yes. We want motivated clients,who are open to a change in direction. The industry has changed & they must respond @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: If we are getting lots of pushback from our client, that's double work as the marketplace is challenging as well @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm: what % of #wine do you think is bought by females vs men in retail vs. resto @MonikaElling
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Women buy most of retail wines, and men choose the wines for dinner! Need to change this a bit. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling Do you help your clients with the wording on wine labels? Why or why not? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Absolutely! It's a requirement @kaksonkaks #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: We have an internal design division, so ALL packaging work is covered, incl text content @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: We do that because we know what will have appeal on the she;f. Client in remote country vineyard will not know @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling IYO, How important is appearance of both the packaging and the #wine as opposed to taste and credibility? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling
I first work on the wine, and blend with my clients around the world. Then we create the package. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: The wine quality is always first. But why not have an attractive package that can communicate with buyers? @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Credibility will come from market PULL-THROUGH. You can't keep pushing brands that don't work! @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Patricius Wine Tokaj @PatriciusTokaj: Testimonial: One vintage to the next #Upgrade @MonikaElling @KeeperColl @kaksonkaks @VintageTexas
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: We changed wine style a bit, as well as packaging. Now it sells! @PatriciusTokaj @KeeperColl @kaksonkaks @VintageTexas #SOMMCHAT
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling What are your thoughts about the proposed requirement to add nutritional information on wine labels? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Bad idea. Cumbersome. This sector is already way over-regulated. @kaksonkaks #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling Have U seen any data on top traits that most women are looking for in a good #wine and how this differs from men? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: I first work on the wine, and blend with my clients around the world. Then we create the package. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @demilove are you seeing any trends in your new work on how men are buying #wine versus women #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove: @KeeperColl - Check your DM in about five minutes - I will answer you off the board. - #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Men are becoming more influenced by packaging as well Women are getting more informed about wine. @KeeperColl @demilove #SOMMCHAT
Russ Kane @VintageTexas: It is really hard to generalize. I’m a geek (I guess). Give me more info, not pretty pictures #SommChat @KeeperColl
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: True, but men aren't a single category! Millennial men r more influenced by packaging than Boomers. @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep: how often do U advise UR clients 2 chg label design -have been annoyed by chg when I already know label @MonikaElling ?
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Understood, but competition and decreased in-store sales service demands a package that speaks for itself. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Most consumers have no issue with seeing a nicer bottle package, and an overall improved product. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: We look at why a brand isn't selling, and determine packaging direction based on the feedback. @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Russ Kane @VintageTexas: Do U encourage the use of QR codes on labels 2get more tech or background info? @MonikaElling #SommChat @KeeperColl
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: Tech yes, QR have been on their way out for a few years @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: No! That never worked as industry applying it incorrectly to marketing. @VintageTexas @KeeperColl #SOMMCHAT
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @VintageTexas great q & followup @MonikaElling what are you seeing better than QR being adopted #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: I like @delectable and label recognition @KeeperColl @VintageTexas #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: There’s potential for beacon application and usage in this space @delectable @KeeperColl @VintageTexas #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas: @MonikaElling I think you just called me #OldMan #Boomer I guess I’m. Cheers! Thanks 4 today #SommChat @KeeperColl
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @VintageTexas really enjoyed your interaction today on #SommChat
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling What diffs do you see in wine buying for women 21-25, 25-30, and 30-35? #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @MonikaElling What’s a good career entry point in #wine biz for women who are looking for a second career? #SommChat
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: sales or retail @KeeperColl @MonikaElling #SOMMCHAT
Monika Elling @MonikaElling: These two areas give you the industry context you need to move elsewhere @KeeperColl #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: q fr #SommChat #Somm - do U work with only wineries or do you work with restos as well and if what impact can u have w/ restos @MonikaElling
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking Women and #Wine w/ #CEO of Foundations Marketing Group Monika Elling @MonikaElling on #SommChat
Kaki Miller @kaksonkaks: @MonikaElling Can you elaborate on what the Beacon Application is and where I could find more information on it? #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl Great to have Monika Elling @MonikaElling join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Monika Elling @MonikaElling for her time on #SommChat