So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

8/7 Master Sommelier Melissa Monosoff
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear fr #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff who will use the @TEXSOM Handle 2dAY #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to @Texsom Speaker & #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff #SommChat #Winelover
@guildsomm (Guild of Sommeliers): We’re excited to be co-presenting @TEXSOM this year! Anyone coming down for the conference should follow #SommChat this morning w/ @TEXSOM.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so S/O to #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff to say hello & so she knows you’re here! #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (Stevie Stacionis): #SommChat Good morning friends! Excited for @Texsom! @KeeperColl @WineInkByTia @oldgrimy @dorianandrews @sethmlong @JordanWinery @DomaineLA
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask Melissa (@TEXSOM) our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @TEXSOM let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff @TEXSOM #WineWednesday #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @TEXSOM Ready for #SommChat!
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): Happy to be here at #SommChat with @KeeperColl , bring on your q’s
?@_itsmatthew_ (Matthew): What do you see as keys to TX emerging as a consistently serious winemaking region in the future? Also, your top TX wines? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @_itsmatthew_ think #TX already 1 of top winemaking regions – focus needs to stay on quality & value. #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @_itsmatthew_ like experimentation w/ OW varities in #TX hard to pick fav – enjoy #wines of Becker and McPherson #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @Texsom Speaker & #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff on #SommChat now! #Texsom #Winelover
@guildsomm (Guild of Sommeliers): Melissa your seminar @texsom is Building a Well-Rounded Beer Program. What got you into beer; how have you studied it? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @guildsomm got into #beer when I had a job that required me 2 manage a program 225 beers. studied by tasting a lot & reading a lot #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @demilove you have me blushing. I have not seen the video as I do not watch myself when taped #SommChat
@WineRackCo ( @KeeperColl @TEXSOM Popping into #SommChat. Looking forward to seeing what is discussed!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: U will be speaking more about #beer @TEXSOM. What do U hope 4 the audience 2 learn from this? #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Hopefully an understanding how styles of #Beer R created & how 2 develop a balanced beer program based on that #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – I was thinking attending #texsom next year, but I’m just wine newbie, do you think I would still enjoy it? – #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): .@demilove absolutely – it is for all levels of #Wine enthusiast – everyone at every level can learn something #SommChat @KeeperColl
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @TEXSOM 7,500 glasses… until 10,000 more arrive #Texsom < I’d love to go, but not as wine-glass washer #SommChat
@guildsomm (Guild of Sommeliers): .@TEXSOM Any particularly great books you recommend for #somms interested in learning more about beer? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @guildsomm My 2 vital books are the Oxford Companion to #Beer & The Brewers Table – one more is Mosher’s brewers companion #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Hello to #SommChat @KeeperColl & Melissa @TEXSOM
@RachelVoorhees ?(Rachel Voorhees): So excited that @TEXSOM is on #SommChat today! Headed there this Friday! Packing/cleaning up vacation cabin in Tahoe so will be on/off!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Is #SommChat being co-opted by #beerchat for the day? @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: U are a graduate of the @CIACulinary. What types of valuable skills did U learn there? #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl I fell in love with #Wine @CIACulinary- had my first wine class there … #SommChat #WineWednesday
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl …but you can never take the kitchen out of me–it’s my favorite place to be next to the cellar of course #SommChat #WW
@RachelVoorhees ?(Rachel Voorhees): @demilove You should definitely attend @Texsom. You will learn A LOT! #SommChat @KeeperColl
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @texsom: fell in love
with #Wine @CIACulinary- had my first wine class there … #SommChat #WineWednesday When were you at CIA?
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @noblewines Melissa will be a speaker on #Beer @Texsom – she is a Master Sommelier and any wine questions are welcome as well #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – It’s a great video! I want to have that kind of poise and grace when I take my #Certified esp. 4 Service – #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @demilove @Texsom always offers the Introductory MS class, so this could be a good time for you to take that as well #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @RachelVoorhees @TEXSOM @KeeperColl – Next year for sure, want to meet my #SommChat friends in person!
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @demilove can understand about nerves on Service – even though I was working in restos, I struggled with Service in the exams #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): RT @alawine: @Texsom Speaker & #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff on #SommChat now! #Texsom #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: What got you interested in the #beer certification program? #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl #Beer Cert. Prog. helped me keep learning & gave me a focus & goal to achieve while reading & studying. #SommChat #WW
@StevieStacionis (Stevie Stacionis): @TEXSOM @KeeperColl Top recommendations for a first-timer navigating the conference this year? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @StevieStacionis they should have already chosen seminars, if not GO NOW & base on their interest. cc: @KeeperColl #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @StevieStacionis They should get to as many of the Hospitality Suites as possible. Meet ppl at lunches & tasting Breaks #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @StevieStacionis and of course make sure they take a jump in the pool #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): bring your questions on #SommChat today to Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff using the @Texsom Handle
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @KeeperColl: Melissa will be a speaker on #Beer @TEXSOM #SommChat Craft Beer is taking a bit of market share from wine right now.
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Q. @TEXSOM + @guildsomm Heading to Chianti next week Has Chianti finally changed law allowing Trebbiano & Malvasia Bianco in blend #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): .@noblewines No new changes I know of recently with white grapes in Chianti #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @texsom – Just FYI – sent you a question in DM (a little off topic for #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl @KGreenPR @ericawinetrips @jennanorth @kcwineguy @Local913 @Butterfinger Better late than never! Morning, #SommChat!
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @texsom Melissa: What’s your favorite food & beer pairing? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @OWOCWines A. @KeeperColl #Beer and Pizza of Course! Any kind of beer- any kind of pizza haha! #SommChat #WW’
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @OWOCWines A. @KeeperColl I love Pilsners or American Pale Ale w/ Arugula salad or a great Saison with Japanese Sashimi/sushi #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @OWOCWines I often enjoy my #beer & Cheese pairings more than #wine & #Cheese pairings #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @TEXSOM are there some great TX #wines that we might be able to get in other states that you can recommend? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @RichardsLJ Further distribution N other states outside of #Texas is something that TX winemakers will hopefully B able 2 increase #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): I am seriously a #SommChat FAIL today. It took me three tries to get my tweet right! #totallysober
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @adamplotkin: @ericawinetrips @jennanorth @kcwineguy @Local913 @Butterfinger Better late than never! Morning, #SommChat! Hey Adam!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @texsom: @OWOCWines enjoy my #beer & Cheese pairings more than #wine & #Cheese pairings #SommChat Queen of Beers is good pairing w/such
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: What are some tips U would give to ppl @TexSom interested in learning more abt #beer? #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): A. @KeeperColl Never judge a #beer by its color and let go of any preconceived notions abt what “heavy” or “light” means. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl @RichardsLJ – Laura this is Twitter. No one will mind if your Tweet is misspoiled! – #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @TEXSOM Do you have a favorite cheese to pair with an IPA? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @OWOCWines that is interested ? Good Blue #Cheeses are some of the best 2 pair w/ IPA. also like grassier styles of Cheese w /IPA #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @OWOCWines you need a stronger, richly
favored #Cheese to stand up to IPA also salty Italian or wash rind cheeses #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Any fav #TxWine producers to look for at @TEXSOM? Excited to try some. #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @TEXSOM I guess this means I need to make a roadtrip! #SommChat #TexasWine
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @demilove @KeeperColl I kept forgetting the #SommChat and THEN I misspelled the handle. Massive failure, but I’m back now.
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Melissa, whatever happened to Celis Brewery? Wasn’t it a really popular Texas beer in 80′s and 90′s ? #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @TEXSOM @OWOCWines I thought that said #beer & Chinese pairings and I was really intrigued. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): The RRValley is 30 years old. #winechat @alawine #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Must say, absolutely love that after a tasting session @TEXSOM, there are tasting breaks! Taste. Then break frm tasting. To taste! #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @AdamPlotkin Pappas Brothers & @FSDallas has a ton on their list and by the glass – look 4 McPherson Rousanne, Inwood, & More #SommCha
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): Cheers to you @KeeperColl and happy #SommChat w @1educatedpalate @ShitMySommSays @winesavi @scottweisbrod @HipTastesMaven @2LadsWinery
@drewbie_g (Drew Grourdie): Technology issues cannot stop me, although they may try @KeeperColl. #SommChat #WineWednesday
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Thx! MT @TEXSOM: @AdamPlotkin Pappas Bros & @FSDallas has ton on their list & by the glass – look 4 McPherson Rousanne, Inwood… #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @demilove Celis was the inventor who brought Hoegaarden to life. In #Belgium and in #TX he ran into fin. troubles:( #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: U managed #wine list & #beer & #cocktail program 4 @BarSavona. What tips can U give others trying 2 do same? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl It’s fun to do all three- brought out all three of my passions wine, cocktail-making and beer. #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Tips: Adhere 2 budget, theme of restaurant & enlist help of friends R other employees who would be interested. #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl TIP: balance what makes the guest comfortable with selections that may help broaden their horizons w/ staying N budget #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @TEXSOM Thanks for getting me more excited about beer & cheese pairings. See you in a few days at TexSom. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: As a #Master #Sommelier what is the best #wine advice U can give to someone working on that certification? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Often I see students studying & memorizing without comprehension & understanding of the subject. #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl There seems to be a rush to get “a pin”. I like the idea of people taking their time… #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl … & getting a true understanding of the subject- ease of memorization & pins R sure to follow. #SommChat #WW
@ormiga (Ormiga): YAHH #bier @TEXSOM @KeeperColl #SommChat wrong continent america tho=except 1 BEST of #pennsylvania+1 from #texas+1-2 #mexico=not big names
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: Tell us more about earning UR #Master #Sommelier diploma. What did U gain from this? #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Everyone has their own journey and Master #Sommeliers love to tell their stories. #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl I gained a lot of fortitude & strength, & I don’t think I will ever be as good of a blind taster as I was then:). #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl I miss having all that great theoretical knowledge at my finger tips. #SommChat #WW
@garretwnagle (Garret Nagle): @Texsom Have Southern Rhone GSMs lost their typicity? I can’t trust my knowledge of the flavor profile in food pairing anymore. #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @garretwnagle The lower end might be trying to appeal to a mass market. I feel the higher-end CRU #wines still deliver for me #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): .@KeeperColl @TEXSOM Here you go! Sorry, couldn’t resist! Slaphappy today w excitement! #SommChat #SoundAdvice
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): I luv 2 tell mine!“@TEXSOM: A. @KeeperColl Everyone has their own journey and Master #Sommeliers love to tell their stories. #SommChat #WW”
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good luck to all in who are working on -Any- level in Court MS – sometimes wonder if I’m too old to learn this! – #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @fermented: @TEXSOM @KeeperColl well put. Education is a life-long endeavor, most especially with wine.#SommChat
@Stefschwalb (Stefanie Schwalb): @demilove @KeeperColl You’re never too old to learn about #wine! Lots of things get better w/ age #SommChat
@Stefschwalb (Stefanie Schwalb): Truth! RT @KeeperColl: RT @fermented: @TEXSOM @KeeperColl well put. Education is a life-long endeavor, most especially with wine.#SommChat
@fermented (Fermented): @AdamPlotkin @TEXSOM the journey will be long… The rewards will be many. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: U were the first male/female in the TRI State area to earn Master #Sommelier. How did that make U feel? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl It was great to be the first MS in PA. I was actually the first in the tri state area for a while. #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl It felt great for me but no one knew what Master #Sommelier was or what it meant. No reference. . #SommChat #WW
@ormiga (Ormiga): #sacrilege @TEXSOM @OWOCWines #SommChat reco blue #cheese w #india pale ale #bier? (well ok but smells american conspiracy
@Stefschwalb (Stefanie Schwalb): Indeed! RT @fermented: @AdamPlotkin @TEXSOM the journey will be long… The rewards will be many. #SommChat #wordstoliveby
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: What are some of your other interests besides #beer and #wine? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Am a competitive cyclist–
road bike. It’s pretty much how I spend remainder of free time-1st Yr racing-had a ball. #SommChat
@ormiga (Ormiga): #bier #wine #cheese all many varieties @KeeperColl @TEXSOM how stay sober at work #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @ormiga @OWOCWines No conspiracy – it is considered classic pairing – I did not believe it either before my cert. program #SommChat
@garretwnagle (Garret Nagle): @TEXSOM thx! In CDP I hope for cherry, red currant, raspberry, meat, but perhaps overipness and syrah leading to more black fruit? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): .@garretwnagle can’t argue with that
#SommChat Cc:@KeeperColl
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Hey Melissa. What do you think of becoming first MS&MCicerone? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Hey Melissa. What do you think of becoming first MS&MCicerone? #SommChat @KeeperColl @TEXSOM
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @dbrogues it is on my mind. it will take a few years – they require 3 year min in #beer business #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (Stevie Stacionis): @TEXSOM @KeeperColl Melissa, coming from PA, how do you like Texas overall? What’s your favorite part? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @StevieStacionis I love #texas- def diff from NE and having a great time. I like that I can ride my bike year round #SommChat
@ormiga (Ormiga): haha @TEXSOM @OWOCWines sure go well ive tried blue #cheese w EVERYTHING almost best w #champagne #sauterne #SommChat also much jealousy
@kathymorganMS (Kathy Morgan): @TEXSOM @KeeperColl We miss you in the Mid-Atlantic! Hope to see you soon #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @TEXSOM Melissa: What do U look for in a good #beer and why? #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl I guess each situation calls for something different. It’s kind of like #wine. #SommChat #WW
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl I like a #beer 2 taste remotely like the style the brewer is going 4 & be fault free (unintentional fault free) #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): A. @KeeperColl Like wine I favor beers that are pretty crisp and refreshing- high acid. #SommChat #WW
@drewbie_g (Drew Grourdie): Oops forgot my #SommChat Hashtag! @TEXSOM @KeeperColl
@ormiga (Ormiga): nice=super #fitness+more apetite sharper senses for #wine #bier #cheese @TEXSOM @KeeperColl #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @texsom @KeeperColl @noblewines thanks for fun #SommChat ya’ll, now I want to go to #texsom
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Have to run now, but thank you Melissa and @TexSom – see you next week on #SommChat !
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff @TEXSOM #WineWednesday #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): What is you’re favorite subject to teach!? @TEXSOM #SommChat @KeeperColl
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): @dbrogues Food and Wine Pairing and Blind Tasting #SommChat @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have #Master
#Sommelier Melissa Monosoff join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @TEXSOM Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking #Master #Sommelier Melissa Monosoff @TEXSOM for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @demilove @stefschwalb @richardslj @guildsomm thanks for fun #SommChat ya’ll, now I want to go to #texsom
@Stefschwalb (Stefanie Schwalb): Me too! RT @alawine: @demilove @stefschwalb @richardslj @guildsomm thanks for fun #SommChat ya’ll, now I want to go to #texsom
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If anyone missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark your calendar and get ready for #SommChat with Charles Curtis, MW @curtismw on Wed 08/14 at 11 AM CST ! C u there!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @noblewines: Thanks for the distraction from work Melissa! @KeeperColl & @TEXSOM Melissa when were you at camp CIA? #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): .@noblewines 1998-2000 graduated first class of 2000 #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):n@rachelvoorhees @adamplotkin @owocwines @ormiga thanks for fun #SommChat ya’ll, now I want to go to #texsom
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Thanks @KeeperColl @TEXSOM Melissa Monsoff MS great #SommChat as usual.
@p_staatz (Peter Staatz): #WineWed rt”@alawine: @rachelvoorhees @adamplotkin @owocwines @ormiga thanks for fun #SommChat ya’ll, now I want to go to #texsom”
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM): loved #SommChat with @KeeperColl I had an awesome and hope to meet many of you @Texsom #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @p_staatz so glad you could join in at #SommChat – come again -
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @texsom: 1998-2000 graduated first class of 2000 #SommChat missed me by 15yrs! Where you there same time as Jason? @BellagioWine
@ormiga (Ormiga): #fun #SommChat @alawine @RachelVoorhees @AdamPlotkin @OWOCWines @texsom eh fly me #texsom as your highly evolved foreign expert
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @dbrogues so gald you could pop in on #SommChat