So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

8/8 Italian Wine Expert Alfonso Cevola
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @KeeperColl Vino Pete is ready for #SommChat 11AM CST! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to hear from @italianwineguy! #WineWednesday #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Italian #Wine Expert Alfonso Cevola @italianwineguy #SommChat #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @Italianwineguy to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl Great to be here #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WW #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy welcome and thanks for being here #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @Italianwineguy our Qs, you can ask him your Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants, lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, give a S/O 2 @Italianwineguy let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #italian #wine with @Italianwineguy #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): I am stoked to be here – #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning @italianwineguy – nice to join you at #SommChat !
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @italianwineguy Welcome! #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy buongiorno, we’re here! #SommChat
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy buongiorno, we’re here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy You have been involved with #Italian #wines since 1978- what FIRST sparked your interest in this area? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl in Calabria I worked harvest w/family in ’97.That was primordial winemaking for the village. I was hooked. #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @italianwineguy Awesome! Grandparents are from Calabria. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy Q– your thoughts on 2012 Season so far? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate Tuscan is saying heat and drought – Piedmont just has hailstorms – could be crazy year #SommChat
@dallaswinecomp (Rebecca Murphy): italianwineguy is my go to guy for all things Italian #SommChat #SommChat
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): Tell us, @italianwineguy @KeeperColl why is Italian food the best on the planet to pair wine with? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @ONEHOPEWINE It surely is one of the best with Italian fare, as per the others, maybe because the wines are friendly & not overdone #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy Obviously you love Italy’s wines… What sets Italian #wine apart from other #Wine regions 4 U? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl pure, basic flavors that go well with food from regions, be it Tuscany, Piedmont or Southern Italy #SommChat #WineWednesday
@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @italianwineguy most underrated area and or grape of #Italy? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @mattreiser Marche is for me – I love that crazy red Lacrima di Morro d’Alba #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy Friuli-Venezia Giulia region? interested in adding to my cellar although not a true white wine drinker #SommChat 2012 ?
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate Friuli has great reds too Schioppettino, Tazzalenghe, Pignolo, even Merlot #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Good morning, #SommChat tweeps!
@DallaTerraUSA (Dalla Terra): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy Prosseco and Mosato are both hot right now, what do you think is next? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl . @DallaTerraUSA I hope Franciacorta, maybe Prosecco Colfondo movement will arise. hoping for Vino Nobile to rise again #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): Wine tweeps join us in the #SommChat with @italianwineguy
@dallaswinecomp (Rebecca Murphy): I ADORE that wine! RT @italianwineguy: @mattreiser Marche is for me – I love that crazy red Lacrima di Morro dAlba #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): We’re nuts about Marche, too RT @italianwineguy: @mattreiser Marche is for me – Love that crazy red Lacrima di Morro d’Alba #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): Mrs S’s absolute fav! @slowgrapes RT @italianwineguy: @mattreiser Marche is for m3-I love that crazy red Lacrima di Morro d’Alba #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @mattreiser @italianwineguy My vote is Campagnia and Aglianico, particularly Taurasi. #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @italianwineguy Q. I’m looking for great Italian winemakers in California, do you have recommendations? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @MauricesCru (dont forget the vineyards too) Rafanelli, Ridge, Bonny Doon, Seghesio, Pellegrini #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): Q.@Italianwineguy your thoughts on the constant addition of DOCG’s, is it lessening the validity of the rating system? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @harleywine1 looks like the rush to DOCG is over for now – maybe – I will post tomorrow on my blog about it #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @canterburywine: Awesome reference! RT @italianwineguy: @ilpalazzone Italian DOCG’s at 73 and holding : #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): @italianwineguy Do you have any thoughts about current trends in Italian winemaking, ideas now being embrace more openly? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @67Wine More southern indigenous interest. Re-evaluation of Tuscany. Renaissance in Piedmont. Sicily going native #SommChat #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @67Wine also seeing less oak, less amped up wines are being presented, more respect for indigenous wines. return to hippie natural #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): @italianwineguy That’s the pulse we’re feeling. The “Sicily going native” trend is off the charts for us. #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy is it because of the terroir being much like Graves? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate Graves? very loosely, the terrain is more hilly + dependant on mountains behind… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate … while BDX is flatter and more maritime influenced. #SommChat
@ccollinsms (Craig Collins, MS): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy good to hear your thoughts on Italy. Thx for ring here #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy Schioppettino I have not tasted but have been told is similar to #Rhône is this correct? #SommChat #quaffablewines
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate Rhone comparison I really don’t feel – Schioppettino is a world unto itself #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@italianwineguy What is your legendary food and #italian wine pairing? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @fernandobeteta well it has to be the family eggplant recipe with a ridiculously wonderful 68 Taurasi from Mastroberardino – sick #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy @KeeperColl @AdamPlotkin the strategic regional pairing technique #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @1educatedpalate @italianwineguy Check out #Miani. SOme of the best reds and whites anywhere! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – How do you think the actual winemaking process has changed in Italy over the past generation? – #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (StevieStacionis): Helllloooo #SommChat, @italianwineguy, @KeeperColl! What do you think is the next Italian wine darling coming to the US market?
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @StevieStacionis I am pretty crazy about a muller-thurgau/ traminer blend from Basilicata #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @67Wine ronco del Gnemiz rocks! #SommChat
@DallaTerraUSA (Dalla Terra): @italianwineguy @67wine @KeeperColl do u feel that the trend 2 more indigenous is b/c new winemaking tech, pushed by mkt or both? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): kinda schizoid like – for awhile everybody embraced oak, yeast, power, alcohol. Now I am seeing less intervention, more restraint #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy I think this is happening in California wines… More fruit forward less alcohol #SommChat –
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @DallaTerraUSA … also the return to a simpler style, even in Sicily, harkens back to the hippie days, which really excites me #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @DallaTerraUSA feeling is that Italians are returning to what they do best instead of competing with international style… #SommChat
@DallaTerraUSA (Dalla Terra): Groovy @italianwineguy @DallaTerraUSA also the return to a simpler style, even in Sicily, harkens back to the hippie days, #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @TeamBrioschi: @KeeperColl – what is your opinion of charles smith’s plans to open all white winery? Can WA make GREAT whites? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @TeamBrioschi @KeeperColl I don’t have enough data on where CS is up to these days – but if BC wines are any indication, whites from there… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @TeamBrioschi @KeeperColl …should be a good opportunity for any kind of winemaker #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): Q. @italianwineguy — I teach a wine course at a college. Suggestions on Italian wine regions to study? There are many DOCG’s #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate I would start with a couple of regions and not get too hung up on DOCG or laws. #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @1educatedpalate …find a place in Italy you love and learn about the food and the wine and the culture – it all goes together #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy it truly is about the #Terroir isn’t it? Adriatic and Alps … I would love to spend a month there studying #SommChat #Wine
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @keyingredient food with wine-good idea! drilling down I really love seafood and the whites from the Marche/Abruzzo ring my bell #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy @dallaterrausa not a bad thing to go back to the basics… It’s all about your palate #SommChat
@ccollinsms (Craig Collins, MS): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy #SommChat what are you excited about drinking at home right now?
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @ccollinsms L.A.M.B.R.U.S.C.O. – from Sorbara – that is my choice #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): Emilia Romagna is our fizzy frontier! RT @italianwineguy: @ccollinsms L.A.M.B.R.U.S.C.O. – from Sorbara – that is my choice #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #WinerideNOLA got us excited abt Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco:) RT @ccollinsms: #SommChat what are you excited about drinking at home right now?
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @italianwineguy Who are your favorite ‘up and coming’ young winemakers in Italy? #SommChat #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @erikuncorked I love the Losi’s in Catelnuovo Berardenga – brother and sister – Querciavalle… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @erikuncorked …all the young one coming up in Piedmont taking over for their mom and dad, like young Scavino, I remember as baby #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @italianwineguy true, been to north, middle and south Italy, but not North-East. Yes, culture and terroir go together #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): @italianwineguy @KeeperColl in Rome I loved the table white wines from Frascati, Apparently they are very low end/ frowned upon? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @LaurBreu FontanaCandida is doing some cool new things. Also love this one from Regillo #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): .@italianwineguy Your fave Verdicchio producers? cc @keyingredient @KeeperColl #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @canterburywine La Monacesca is my all time fav – I have bottles going back to the 1980′s – love this estate in Matelica #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): Cool. Must seek out! TY. MT @italianwineguy: @canterburywine La Monacesca is my all time fave. Have bottles going back to the 1980s #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): . @italianwineguy are we gonna see you this weekend? Bringing anything fun? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @dbrogues Drew says I might be on a Texsom panel – we are a sponsor and I will be there for the team #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @dbrogues open a bottle of Lambrusco and pass it around – worked for guy Stout 20 years ago #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): @noblewines One of our fav sparkly Verdicchios is by Pievalta. @canterburywine @italianwineguy @keyingredient @KeeperColl #SommChat
@ccollinsms (Craig Collins, MS): @KeeperColl @italianwineguy #SommChat what do you think The Tuscan renaissance looks like?
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @ccollinsms messy – confusing – exciting, frustrating, wonderful-the next 20 years in Tuscany will be quite a change -I am psyched #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy How would you describe (in 140 characters or less) the “#Italian philosophy” on #winemaking? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl Italian #winemaking philosophy? Non interventionist, simple, ancient soul connection, science but more intuition #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Q. @italianwineguy How do you silence a car full of Somms? A. #SommChat !!! @ccollinsms @MarkDevinSayre
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @TeamBrioschi: @KeeperColl @italianwineguy – if you were to grow exceptional white in WA, what would you grow and where? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @TeamBrioschi @KeeperColl I would try Vermentino but that is just a wild *ss guess #SommChat
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @ccollinsms @KeeperColl @italianwineguy I hope it will look like this… #TuscanRenaissance #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @erikuncorked if that works for you – some winemakers in Tuscany dispute his sourcing and style #acidification #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge the #Italian #Wine Industry is currently facing? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl part 1 Italian restaurateurs not knowing wines outside their region well enough… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl …part 2 . American buyers sourcing “equivalent” wine from CAL/ORE/WASH/TEX, which is a whole ‘nother animal #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): Glad I could make it (late) to #SommChat today. I always learn a little, even if I’m just looking through the hashtag stream. @KeeperColl
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): Good morning, #SommChat. Excited to talk about Italian wines!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy You are the #Wine Director at #Glazer’s- describe a typical day on the job. #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl morning office work, posting on blog. meeting, tasting and hitting the streets with a bag of wine in the afternoon #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @italianwineguy @KeeperColl If the grapes are the same then the difference must be terroir (the other word for climate/dirt) #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @alamosawineguy Italians in Italy and Italian/Americans are from same “root stock” but a world of difference not just terroir #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @italianwineguy which varietals from Northern Italy are you most excited about & why? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @CharlesComm Nebbiolo from Boca right now – see a lost world arising
@WineauxDLynnP (DLynn Proctor): q:@italianwineguy will you publish a book including pictures of all of the “shoes” you have taken on your travels! #SommChat #SommShoes
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @WineauxDLynnP just shoes? what about all those Roman bustiers? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy You are known for your fab blog, the Wine Trail in Italy- what inspired you to start a blog in the first place? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl blog started 7 years ago w/simple wish 2 chronicle answers 2 often asked ?’s. then it just took on life of its own #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): Join us now we are talking about Italian wines in #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @erikuncorked stirred or shaken? I like the impression of the wines but fear there is manipluation #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @italianwineguy R U saying we have inferior planting material? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @alamosawineguy not a matter of one being better than the other … #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @alamosawineguy …- more of a difference – like the difference between Mexican food in Calif and Tex-Mex… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @alamosawineguy … btw i like ur wines, have some old ones in the closet #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Frascati! An oldie but goodie! RT @italianwineguy: @LaurBreu FontanaCandida is doing some cool new things . #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): @noblewines There’s also sparkling Fontezoppa (Matelica) on the US market, if you’d like to compare to Pievalta (Jesi). #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy You update your blog frequently with a variety of posts (which we LOVE!)- who/what inspires you to write? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl inspiration might start with a visual cue, a silly incident or a philosophical question. Or it might just be a rant #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @erikuncorked @italianwineguy @fernandobeteta Love both eggplant and Cerasuolo. Sounds perfect. #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @enjoielife Cerasuolo is close to my fiery heart #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy Your blog is full of BEAUTIFUL pictures, many look professional! Do you take them all yourself? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl most images I shoot. Have been a shooter since the 1960′s. Love images, collect photography. My hobby & 1st love #SommChat
@LaurBreu (Lauren Breuning): Today’s Italian #SommChat reminding me that we need to hang out, @KBPRinc!
@AtkinsonsMarket (Atkinsons’ Market): Would love to know more about #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @italianwineguy Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Will you still be blogging? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl 10 years? whatever comes after blogging and selling wine – probably teaching… #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): A. @KeeperColl 10 years? … maybe return to winemaking in Calif, Texas or Italy #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): .@67wine ADORE that Pievalta bubbly #Verdicchio! cc @italianwineguy @keyingredient @KeeperColl #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @canterburywine Vernaccia di Serrapetrona is wickedly cool too #SommChat
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @italianwineguy It’s a bit like Italian politics… manipulation will always be around.. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Italianwineguy fav Italian white, red, and sparkling under $50 retail? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl Contadi Castaldi Franciacorta Rose for the bubbles #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl for the white a Cocacciola from Frentana (abruzzo) #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl Red? just had a killer red from Sicily Cerasuolo from Santa Tresa ( way under $20) #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl what about rosato? right now I am loving the 2011 Librandi Ciro Rosato – it is so delicious! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to start wrapping up! If any more questions with @italianwineguy, now is time. #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @italianwineguy @canterburywine Do you think TX is too hot to grow decent Vernaccia? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @alamosawineguy not in the cool growing areas although w/out maritime influence it will alter the final product #SommChat
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @italianwineguy Vino Nobile di Texas? Can’t wait! RT 10 years? … maybe return to winemaking in Calif, Texas or Italy #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @italianwineguy Opinon on wines from the maremma? #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @VinoPeteblog I have spent a lot of time there lately – I prefer the Vermentino and Rose wines but Morellino is resurging – #love #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @Sassodoro Are you hot for Cerasuolo too? Chilled Cerasuolo rose is great in the summer. @italianwineguy #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): WOW @italianwineguy @KeeperColl I’m pooped…that was one #SommChat thanks for the great info on Italian Wines!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with @Italianwineguy #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have @Italianwineguy join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @Italianwineguy for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark ur calendar 4 #SommChat Wed 8/15 11 AM CST 2 hear fr @jbonne, #Wine Writer & Editor 4 @insidescoopsf, Featured guest 2 answer ur Qs!
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl thank you – it was great being an Italian air traffic controller for an hour #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @KeeperColl @Italianwineguy Always fun, wish I’d been here on time, Thanks to Alfonso and other participants. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Keep in the loop for upcoming guests & archives & sign up for our email list at #SommChat #WW
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): great questions all – hope to see some of you at @Texsom this weekend #SommChat
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @italianwineguy @KeeperColl Grazie mille! Alla prossima #SommChat
@67Wine (67 Wine & Spirits): Thank you @KeeperColl and super guest @italianwineguy. We learned so much, and are huge Italian wine (geeks) + advocates! #SommChat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @italianwineguy @noblewines I love wines from the maremma! @GajaWines under $50! #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): .@alamosawineguy I’d hope not. Some gr8 Ital varieties grown there! re: is TX too hot to grow decent Vernaccia? cc @italianwineguy #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Thanks @italianwineguy & @KeeperColl for another great #SommChat!
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @AdamPlotkin thanks Adam! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl @Italianwineguy Thanks for #SommChat. Enjoyed learning more about Italian wine w/ you and #winelovers on #WineWednesday!
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @italianwineguy Thanks for a great #SommChat! Someday we have to meet!