So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

9/14 Texas’ Best Sommelier Bill Elsey
See what you missed at #SommChat on 9/14 as we chatted with Texas’ Best Sommelier Bill Elsey.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine from Texas’ Best Sommelier for the next hour! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Sommelier @BillElsey of @DuchmanWinery & 2011 winner of @TEXSOM TX’s Best Sommelier Competition #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Some of you may have gotten to meet @BillElsey at #TEXSOM or #CUF2011 last wknd, but if not, check this out: #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We hope you have your Qs ready, because @BillElsey is ready for you! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If you’re joining us for #SommChat, please shout out to @BillElsey so he knows you’re here & can keep an eye out for your #wine Qs!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): 1 lucky SommChatter today will win 2 tix to HOU Regional Chefs Under Fire Culinary Comp. on 9/25 held at @RiceDining #CUF2011 #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): Hello everyone, thanks to @keepercoll for allowing me to host this week’s #SommChat
@WineFoodTX (Wine & Food Fndn TX): Join in everyone! RT @keepercoll: We hope you have your Qs ready, because @BillElsey is ready for you! #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): @keepercoll @BillElsey I am back and ready for #SommChat #WineWednesday
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @BillElsey Hey, guys! Joining you for #SommChat !
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): hey #SommChat! looking forward to the chat
@esmergonzalez (Esmeralda): It’s wine Wednesday! That means it’s #SommChat time!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Good morning @keepercoll ! Hope everyone on #SommChat is having a good week. Anyone taste a special wine this week?
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@demilove @keepercoll I tasted some amazing german rieslings this weekend. Truly enjoyed the wines from Donhoff #SommChat
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): Hey @BillElsey what was hardest part of test to win #TEXSOM Best Somm? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@DeniseFraser It was all a challenge, I had to calm my nerves the most for the service portion though. #SommChat
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @keepercoll @billelsey What first got you interested in #wine? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@WineTheory Working for @Duchmanwinery in our tasting room sparked my interest. It quickly developed into a passion #SommChat
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): Any new wines we should know about and try from @DuchmanWinery? @BillElsey @keepercoll #SommChat #txwine
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@DeniseFraser @DuchmanWinery @keepercoll I’m most excited about our estate grown Vermentino. It’s very impressive #SommChat
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): I heart Vermentino. @BillElsey @KeeperColl #SommChat #whitewinegirl
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @keepercoll @billelsey What was the last #wine you drank that gave you that wow factor? #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BillElsey What winegrowing region is Texas most like based on your experience? in USA or Europe #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas Spain, Portugal, S.France and S. Italy. I think future Texas success is from grapes native to those areas #SommChat
@SommelierSara (Sara Fasolino): Curious about your stance on corks and closures. I’m digging the stelvin/glass stopper combo #SommChat @WineTheory @keepercoll @billelsey
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): @SommelierSara @WineTheory @keepercoll Big fan of both as well. As long as the wine is sound, I’ll take any closure! #SommChat
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @BillElsey @keepercoll What #wine producing regions do you feel are still “under the radar” but producing high quality wine? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@WineTheory @keepercoll Austria is under-appreciated. Dry German Rieslings too. 2 of my fav categories #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Cheers to that! RT @BillElsey: @WineTheory @keepercoll Austria is under-appreciated. Dry German Rieslings too. 2 of my fav categ #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BillElsey Congrats on being named the 2011 @TEXSOM “Texas’ Best Sommelier”- how have things changed for you since winning? #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): Congrats Bill! @keepercoll @BillElsey Congrats on being named the 2011 @TEXSOM “Texas’ Best Sommelier” #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll @TEXSOM Thx! Been great-attended wine events & been featured in write-ups abt the comp. since winning. All fun things #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll @TEXSOM I’m also happy that it’s been great exposure for @Duchmanwinery and for the #TXWine industry as well. #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BIllElsey when on the west coast, what wine region do you gravitate to. #SommChat?
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas Washington Syrah is tops for me, I enjoy Willamette Pinot and Sonoma, Napa, Paso too. #SommChat
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): You were first somm from a winery to win Top Texas Somm from @TEXSOM, right? way to go! #SommChat #txwine
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): Austin is moving up on the wine scene, with your recognition, & @Devonwine @craigcollinsms getting MS. what is driving this? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@DeniseFraser @TEXSOM Yes, it’s great to be part of what @DrewHendricksms & @WineJames call the new definition of #Sommelier #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@DeniseFraser @Devonwine @craigcollinsms They have set the path in ATX & @TexSom is key (if not #1) factor growing the community #SommChat
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @BillElsey @keepercoll @texsom What #wine books would you recommend to somebody interested in becoming a Somm? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): @WineTheory @keepercoll @texsom Best value for your $. Become a member to @GuildSomm website. Unbelievable resource for wine study #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): I second that! “@BillElsey: @WineTheory @keepercoll @texsom Become member @GuildSomm website. Unbelievable resource 4 wine study #SommChat”
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): Knowing you favor Med-wine 4Texas, and knowing @DuchmanWinery makes #Aglianico, how do you benchmark it to old/new world. #SommChat #TXwine
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas @DuchmanWinery Similar to Bascilicata Aglianico in profile, rather than big, oaked style in Taurasi Aglianico #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BillElsey Tell us your fav job experience in #wine biz so far – restaurant somm, buyer, manager, tasting room host? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll I love guest interaction from recommending wines 2 others & the reward of introducing a table 2 a wine they love #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll Although being in a restaurant can be a lot of work, I enjoy that aspect the most. #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): What grapes do you think still need to be tried in THC that haven’t been #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alamosawineguy like to see some (more)Touriga Nacional, Negroamaro, Nero d’Avola w/more Temp., Rousanne, Viognier #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @billelsey What about some of the more obscure Spanish whites? Thinking Viura, Perrallada others #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alamosawineguy def. agree, I think if they can handle the heat & make good wine, obscurity can be overcome in time #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @BillElsey One of the CA nurseries, Sunridge I think, has a number of Iberian varietals avail for TX growers #SommChat
@SommelierChall (Sommelier Challenge): Hi @BillElsey Can you recommend way to reach out to Texas wineries? We don’t see many in #wine competitions. #SommChat #TXWine
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@SommelierChall I’ll help connect you in any way I can. Also @VintageTexas is one of the most knowledgable #TxWine guys I know #SommChat
@SommelierChall (Sommelier Challenge): Thanks @BillElsey. Next in our series is @WinemakerChall, judges all winemakers. #SommChat #TXWine #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BillElsey how does Sommelier Cert help you with customers in the tasting room? Compare before/after. #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas it brings people in and starts the conversation on wine, half the challenge won! Then I take pretentiousness out #SommChat
@TattooedSomm (The Tattooed Somm): Just discovering #SommChat
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): “@TattooedSomm: Just discovering #SommChat” Welcome to the party. It’s a lot of fun. @keepercoll @meetatNigel @John_B_Dawson
@alawine (Ken): @BillElsey Q: Do you believe the taste of wine can be improved by sharing with friends? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alawine Absolutely! Time, place, company, memories created. Those are the most important factors for enjoying wine! #SommChat
@JuneRodil (June Rodil): .@BillElsey @keepercoll good morning fr Walla Walla! Do you have any hand in winemaking at Duchman or plans to in t/ future? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@JuneRodil Hello! I worked all of harvest for ’09 & ’10, extremely helpful for my education. I’m no future winemaker though!!! #SommChat
@JuneRodil (June Rodil): .@BillElsey if Maynard James Keenan makes wine, you can do whatever you want, Champ! you got the talent. #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@JuneRodil Thanks, take some pictures from Walla Walla, Id love to see how your time was. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BillElsey How do you think the #TXwine industry differs from anywhere else in the US? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll #TX is a HUGE state w/ incredible opportunity 2 show regional diversity in varied soils & meso-climates found here #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll #Texas is a warm place and we are growing unique grape varieties that thrive in the sun driven climate. #TXwine #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll TX has rich agricultural history #TXwine #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll Continued commitment to quality #wine from grapes that thrive in TX climate will put #TXWine industry on the map #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @BillElsey Thank you for not misusing microclimate. Mesoclimate is a term unfamiliar to most. #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): @BillElsey I went to a Texas de Brazil once. Do they make all sommeliers hang by a harness? That must butt hurt. @keepercoll #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): Does this harness make my ass look fat?” #TexasDeBrazilSommelier #SommChat @BillElsey @keepercoll
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): @ShitMySommSays @keepercoll Just the rookies, its the 4 week hazing period that separates the good from bad! #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): Funny! @BillElsey: @ShitMySommSays @keepercoll Just the rookies, its the 4 week hazing period that separates the good from bad! #SommChat
@TheGoodLife_Mia (TheGoodLife-Miami): @BillElsey have a favorite region when it comes to #wine? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@TheGoodLife_Mia Top 3: Champagne, Piedmont-I love nebbiolo, and the N. Rhone. I gravitate towards old world regions #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Great #SommChat with @BillElsey going on…
@TattooedSomm (The Tattooed Somm): #SommChat @BillElsey Limited availability for Tx juice in my market quality suggestions?
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): @TattooedSomm tough to find #TxWine outside of the state now, as we keep growing so too should distribution #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @BillElsey rich ag hist, TX cotton farmers need to accept TX grape farmers. 2-4-D overspray still problem in many areas of TX #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alamosawineguy agreed, cooperation and communication w/all Texas farmers will be important moving forward #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BillElsey What is the most common misconception your non-Texas Somm friends have about Texas and #TXwine? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas @Keepercoll “They make wine in Texas?” is what I hear most, its a lack of tasting opportunities that causes this #SommChat
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): #SommChat Loving this
@angrysomm (rob renteria): @BillElsey @keepercoll Howdy. What % do Texas wines occupy on restaurant wine lists in Texas? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@angrysomm @keepercoll its a small but growing %, Texas restaurants will add #TxWine if the quality is there (and it is) #SommChat
@tonyv619 (Tony V): @BillElsey how has the wildfires you guys have had in the last year affected the #wine industry in texas? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@tonyv619 @keepcoll not immediately causing problems for #TxWine, most grapes are in W.Texas, drought is hurting state all over #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@billelsey you’ve studied wine extensively. What is one thing you have learned that has surprised you? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll most surprising is its a never ending pursuit. Wine always is changing, Italy still boggles my mind! #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Always w the great ?s RT @MattMcGinnis: .@billelsey you’ve studied wine extensively. What is one thing you have learned that has.. #SommChat
@alawine (Ken): @BillElsey You know you’re a real Texan… when your winery slogan is… The “Best Wines” in Texas! #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alawine @keepercoll Thanks! Title given to us by Dallas Morning News write up in February #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BillElsey Is there a comparison local wine movement (Locapour) and foodie Locavore. Even if pay extra for local experience? #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @vintagetexas @BillElsey Great question. I definitely see similarities between drinking local (Locapour) and foodie Locavore #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@VintageTexas @keepercoll definitely working in that direction, we are working with Slow Food soon @FSAustin for wine dinner #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BillElsey #CabernetDay was only about 2 weeks ago- how did you celebrate? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll My palate gravitates to Old World #wines & shared some #Bordeaux w/ friends. 2000 Ch. Dufort-Vivens sang beautifully #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @keepercoll @BillElsey Cabernet day was also International Tempranillo Day #SommChat
@TattooedSomm (The Tattooed Somm): #SommChat @BillElsey does the commercialization of other regions make advocacy for TX easier? Or does it create more obstacles?
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@TattooedSomm easier by increasing wine consumption across the board. Big obstacles in laws for state to state shipping! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@billelsey if you could introduce #TXWine to any region in the world, which wine consumers would you want to please first? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll I think #TxWine be successful northern US markets, NYC, Chicago, etc. Think of Shiner & Tito’s success #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BillElsey Are you a #beer fan and are there any locally brewed beers that you enjoy? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll It takes a lot of good #beer to make good #wine. The same goes for blind tasting. #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll Real Ale’s (Blanco, TX) Firemans #4 is a staple in my refrigerator. I also enjoy @TPBrewing (Austin) Amber #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll Also absolutely love @SaintArnold (Houston) Lawnmower which is a German style kolsch. #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @BillElsey @keepercoll One of the things I really like about Duchman wines is judicious use of oak, more old world. #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alamosawineguy @keepercoll thanks, our philosophy is all about balance, maybe 10-15% new oak in all of red wine program #SommChat
@VintageTexas (Russ Kane): @BillElsey What would you tell someone at age 60+ who says he wants to get his MW? #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): @VintageTexas I hope I’ll be learning new things about wine at 60. It’s a lifelong pursuit (obsession) of knowledge, go for it!!! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope u enjoyed this packed hr of #wine expertise w/@BillElsey! We’ll announce today’s #SommChat winner shortly!!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): And the winner of 2 tix to HOU Regional Chefs Under Fire Culinary Competition on Sept. 25 is @VintageTexas! Congrats! #CUF2011 #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @BillElsey @keepercoll Great #SommChat ! Thanks, guys!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Join us next Wed 9/21 11 AM CST for a special #Beer edition of #SommChat with @indybrewing in preparation 4 @TXCraftBeer fest on Sept. 24!
@TattooedSomm (The Tattooed Somm): #SommChat @BillElsey thx this is great I’ll be back next week @keepercoll
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q gets answered, post it to FB & we’ll be sure it gets asked! Happy #WW!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Thanks to @BillElsey – everyone let Bill know how much you enjoyed his #SommChat
@alamosawineguy (Jim Johnson): @BillElsey Thanks, Bill. Keep preaching the gospel of Texas grapes, Texas wine and Texas food. #SommChat
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@alamosawineguy @keepercoll thanks for participating, enjoyed your questions and keep making good wine I can preach about! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Look forward to seeing everyone next week on #SommChat – mark your calendars!!!!
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @keepercoll @billelsey Thanks for answering all of my #SommChat questions. #Cheers
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @keepercoll Excellent #SommChat. Thank you @BillElsey. Happy #WineWednesday
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @keepercoll Looking forward to #SommChat next Wed 9/21 with @indybrewing in preparation 4 @TXCraftBeer fest on Sept. 24!
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): .@keepercoll Loved being a part of this everyone, thanks for your questions and keep a look out for #TxWine #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): @keepercoll @BillElsey Great #SommChat I must confess I never tasted a wine from Texas.