So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

9/19 Master Sommelier John Ragan
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@KeeperColl looking forward to our #sommchat at noon. #wine
@travisgoff (travis goff): .@SommChat @vinojohnragan Bummed i will miss out on this #texsom 2012 favorite! Boarding a plane now
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): That’s 11AM Central! In 7 minutes! RT @vinjohnragan: .@KeeperColl looking forward to our #SommChat at noon. #wine
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @vinjohnragan Hey, guys! Ready for #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear about #Wine from Wine Director @vinjohnragan @UnionSqEvents! #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to John Ragan, MS @vinjohnragan #SommChat #WineWednesday #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @vinjohnragan to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): so excited to hear from @vinjohnragan abt @USHGNYC #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @vinjohnragan our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1,S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @vinjohnragan let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with Master #Sommelier @vinjohnragan at @UnionSqEvents #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): Great to be here today – very excited Diane! #sommchat
@AmaraResort (AmaraResort): We’re new, excited to be here! RT @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to John Ragan, MS @vinjohnragan #SommChat #WineWednesday
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Good morning everyone, great to be here with you all #SommChat #WW
@JeeWPark (Jee Won Park): .@vinojohnragan what region is currently best to find value wines? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@JeeWPark @KeeperColl great values can be everywhere but if u r willing to experiment… southern italy, unknown spain, greece! #sommchat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): @vinjohnragan & @KeeperColl Hello from Texas! What began your passion for wine and how did you enter the arena? #SommChat #wine
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@wineguy06 @KeeperColl (1 of 3) I had always worked in restaurants through high school and college in Kansas City #WineWednesday #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@wineguy06 @KeeperColl (2 of 3) It was always such an unknown and as I started to learn a bit it became quite a curiosity #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@wineguy06 @KeeperColl (3 of 3) After college, I visited Napa Valley and I never went back! #WineWednesday #Winelover #sommchat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl Good morning! Glad to join you and @vinjohnragan on #SommChat this #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan What was the hardest part about becoming a #Master #Sommelier? The most fun part? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 3) The hardest part for me was definitely the theory exam. #SommChat #WineWednesday #Winelover #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 3) Working long hours in the restaurant, was hard to carve out the hours which the theory exam requires. #WW #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl 3 of 3) Of course, tasting is always the most fun…when you get them right! #WineWednesday #Winelover #sommchat
@JeeWPark (Jee Won Park): .@vinojohnragan @KeeperColl what would you consider as unknown Spain? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@JeeWPark – Rias Baixas, Bierzo, Toro, Txakoli, …even Portugal! #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Q. R you noticing any trends in wine consumption or age groups that request certain wines? #SommChat #WW
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne 4 age groups – it is not just young drinkers who r open to branching out. If u can compare to something familiar! #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne more experimentation with unknown regions and variations on what is already familiar. we love curious drinkers! #sommchat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): Tuned in! RT @KeeperColl: Let’s start talking #wine with Master #Sommelier @vinjohnragan at @UnionSqEvents #WineWednesday #SommChat”
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): Nice!! Cheers! RT @vinjohnragan: @KeeperColl (3 of 3) After college, I visited Napa Valley and I never went back! #WineWednesday #sommchat
@Vino101net (Vino101): @KeeperColl Hello from Norcal. #SommChat @vinjohnragan
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan With so much wine & info available, where do u go to keep up w/ reliable wine news & education? #SommChat #WW
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne @guildsomm is def. always my first go to – nothing better. Also, old wine books that help w/history & culture #sommchat
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): @vinjohnragan @KeeperColl what’s your favorite @USGHNYC restaurant?! #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@ONEHOPEWINE like children u love them all @unionsquarecafe @gramercytavern @northendgrill @themodernnyc @maialino_nyc! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): look 4 his ans @demilove Q. @vinjohnragan As a MS, pls share some tips for those working towards Master #Sommelier? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl @demilove1 of 3 So much pressure assoc. w/exam, impt any pressure you might put on yourself is healthy & constructive #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl @demilove (2 of 3) The exam is hard enough, any undue or unhealthy pressure will make it impossible. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl @demilove (3 of 3) Of course, tasting is always the most fun…when you get them right! #WineWednesday #Winelover #sommchat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): .@vinjohnragan @KeeperColl You mentioned Portugal, any faves there? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@VineyardGate vino verde in the summer and Bairrada / Dao / Douro in the winter! #sommchat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): Congrats Douglas! RT @demilove: @KeeperColl – I just passed my Intro exam yesterday – yay! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan New World Wine Vs. Old World Wine- which do you prefer and why? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 3) This is a tricky question. I certainly lean towards wines which have a sense of place. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 3) That said, it is always great to find a new world wine that really expresses that well. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (3 of 3) Old school #Napa R #Washington #Cabernet can be a beautiful thing! #WineWednesday #sommchat
@Vino101net (Vino101): @KeeperColl @vinjohnragan Patrons perceptions of Stelvin vs corks? #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@Vino101net don’t really see any pushback at all – as long as it tastes good, we are all happy! #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Q. (part 1) I tried Australian Rieslings & Semillion recently; they were very good, better than b4 #SommChat #ww
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Q. (part 2) Have u noticed changes (for the better) in Australian wines too? Any producers u like? #SommChat #WW
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne yes, australia has fantastic producers – don’t forget whites. pewsey vale and grosset riesling will fool u blind #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@vinjohnragan @KeeperColl Yes!! Absolutely!! Pewsey Vale (Contours)… would have thought German. =) #SommChat #WW
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @vinjohnragan nice to virtually meet you! What are some misperceptions on the East Coast you see re: California’s wines? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@CharlesComm not everyone understands the details of microclimates and the results. Plenty of producers who buck stereotypes #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@CharlesComm @gentaz_rulz – Copain is a great one as is Arnot-Roberts #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Q. Any “aha” wines u have had and/or any wines on your bucket list u would like 2 try? #SommChat #WW
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne 4 bucket list wines – always on the hunt for more bottles of ’85 Clos des Goisses! #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne plenty of aha wines – old Daumas Gassac, 85 scharzhofberger, chat Simone, Barca Vehla all defy expectations! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan Recent memorable #food and #wine pairing? #WineWednesday #SommChat #Winelover
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl @UnionSquareCafé has a peanut butter dessert -fantastic w/a mature Pineau des Charentes! Who would have thought! #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@vinjohnragan @KeeperColl Sounds wonderful! #SommChat #winelover
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @vinjohnragan: .@JeeWPark @KeeperColl great values can be everywhere esp. southern italy, unknown spain, greece! #sommchat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Relatively “unknown” regions in Spain @vinjohnragan: .@JeeWPark – Rias Baixas, Bierzo, Toro, Txakoli, …even Portugal! #SommChat #wine
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@KeeperColl Last weekend I had the roasted chicken at @ZuniCafe in SF w/Raveneau #Chablis…I am still tasting that! #sommchat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Last tweet cut off, I just marvel at all service details to remember and must always dress and act professionally! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan What is your current number 1 go-to red #wine when relaxing at home? Your go-to white wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl I am looking forward to the cooler weather, when a glass of red #Burgundy is always a beautiful thing. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl For whites, #Riesling is so versatile it is almost always a great idea. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): love @zunicafe on the west coast and @UnionSquareCafe on East Coast – not surprised that @vinjohnragan noted F&W pairings at each #SommChat
@Ngerke (Natalie Gerke): .@KeeperColl @vinjohnragan Most interesting, unexpected f&w pairing that surprised you? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@Ngerke how about fried chicken skin with Foie gras and grapes? would u believe amazing with terrantez madeira! believe it! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan Tell us abt being a group #wine director – how do you manage your position @USHGNYC? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 4) It is a fantastic challenge and incredibly rewarding. #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 4) Each restaurant is diff. & unique & each 1 of our Beverage Directors has their own approach & viewpoint. #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (3 of 4) My job is to preserve that individuality and help make each restaurant program excellent in its own way. #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl (4 of 4) I can’t imagine a more rewarding job Union Square Hospitality Group @USHGNYC. #WineWednesday #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan I have 2 pair wine w/peach galette & van bean ice crm, someone said ruby port; not sure, any thoughts? #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Hope it’s ok to ask that last question about pairing =) #SommChat #WW
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): @vinjohnragan #SommChat @KeeperColl How do you transfer your #wine knowledge to the servers in the different USQHG restaurants? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@erikuncorked first they transfer their knowledge to me – they understand what works. U sell the wine 2 the servers first #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@erikuncorked once they love a wine, just get out of the way! #sommchat
@cmwines (Christopher Miller): Q. @vinjohnragan lots of commentary about value of & changes in Bord. Class (St Emilion). Think 1er A is warranted for 2 newbies? #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@cmwines lots of politics here…time will tell…always best to let the wine speak 4 itself. find outliers who really deliver #sommchat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @vinojohnragan Anything you like to do for fun, 2 relax? #SommChat #WW
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): .@winegalLynne love to run. either Brooklyn Bridge or Golden Gate… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan What is the #1 quality you look for in a #wine in order for you to add it to a wine list? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl If the wine does not have a “fingerprint” of where it has come from you don’t need to go any further! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @vinjohnragan What #wine region have you not traveled to but have on your wish list and why? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl Next time I am in #Piedmont-want 2 make time 2 go N & explore Valle d’Aosta & work my way over 2 Valtellina. #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): A. @KeeperColl These wines are so unique and are such a labor love to grow that always is inspiring. #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with John Ragan, MS @vinjohnragan #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have @vinjohnragan join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @vinjohnragan of @UnionSqEvents for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If anyone missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @vinojohnragan Thanks so much for your time, so happy for your achievements! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark your calendar for #SommChat Wed 10/3 11 AM CST to hear from @aldosohm #Sommelier @LeBernadinNY #WW
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl Thanks once again for hosting #sommchat. See you (virtually) next time! #WW
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @vinjohnragan Thanks, guys! Great #SommChat, as always! Happy #WineWednesday!
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): This was a blast – cant wait to meet you all at one of our restaurants if u r ever in NYC. Thanks to Diane 4 making so painless! #sommchat
@erikuncorked (Erik Leenaars): #SommChat In Italy they call this “fingerprint” tipicità Thanks for your time @vinjohnragan @KeeperColl #SommChat #sommchat
@vinjohnragan (john ragan): Now I know how to tweet! #sommchat
@VinoPeteblog (Peter Trapasso): @KeeperColl Very impressed with the high caliber of your guests. @vinjohnragan Thank You! #sommchat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Thanks @KeeperColl and @vinjohnragan of @UnionSqEvents for your time #SommChat #WW #Winelover. Good to be back in the mix.
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @vinjohnragan great insights, especially about misunderstandings surrounding California’s microclimates. Thanks! Great #SommChat today
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): Thanks to alll! @KeeperColl @vinjohnragan @UnionSqEvents Please join us in thanking @vinjohnragan of @UnionSqEvents for his time #SommChat
@ccollinsms (Craig Collins, MS): @vinjohnragan @KeeperColl wanted to catch today but just got off the plane, looking fwd to reading through #SommChat
@MarkDevinSayre (Mark Devin Sayre): @KeeperColl sorry to miss #SommChat but what a cool cat @vinjohnragan is. So glad to have him @TEXSOM this year!
@bsicricket (Catherine Miles): Where? Must try with Broadbent Terrantez. Yum.“@vinjohnragan: fried chicken skin with Foie gras and grapes& terrantez madeira! #sommchat”
@guildsomm (Guild of Sommeliers): Thanks for the shout-out, John! RT @vinjohnragan @winegalLynne @guildsomm is def. always my 1st go to – nothing better. #sommchat
@jennanorth (Jenna North): “@KeeperColl: Mark your calendar for #SommChat 10/3 11AM CST to hear from @aldosohm #Sommelier @LeBernardinNY #WW” << Look forward to this!
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): @vinjohnragan I can’t believe I missed #SommChat !!! especially with @vinjohnragan as the Guest!!! cc @KeeperColl great notes…
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): AND John, welcome to the @twitter dance floor! RT @vinjohnragan: Now i know how to tweet! #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Who oversees a #wine collection of 15000 bottles from 12 countries w/ vintages dated to 1875? #SommChat guest @aldosohm! Come Wed 11 AM CST!