So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

9/25 Advanced Sommelier Yannick Benjamin
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): .@KeeperColl thanks! will try to follow #SommChat today!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #NYC #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @yannickbenjamin #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @YannickBenjamin #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re abt ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @YannickBenjamin to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin our Qs, U can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with #NYC #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @YannickBenjamin #WW #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin Ready for #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Foundationspr so glad you can join in Today on #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @KeeperColl Thank u for having me on! It is an honor! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin What got you interested in the #Wine business & when did you first get interested? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl Family is from #France & Mom is from #Bordeaux & my dad was Maitre d’ at Legendary restaurants Lutece & Chantilly #SommChat
@JadeDrinksWine (Jade Ostner): Hi @YannickBenjamin ! … and @KeeperColl … interested in what topics this week will stir up… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): bring your questions on to @YannickBenjamin at #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @KeeperColl Can’t stay long but hello @YannickBenjamin! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin Tell us what you have liked most about working @leduwines. #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl I love spending time w/customers & not have the pressure of turning tables over. I love doing the SatSeminars! #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @JadeDrinksWine @KeeperColl open to all topics! bring on the questions! #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): What surprising wine trends are you seeing these days? @YannickBenjamin #SommChat @KeeperColl
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Foundationspr @KeeperColl I have to say that I love w/ wines from #Muscadet and #Sicily #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @WineInkByTia glad you can join in even for a short time on #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): What type of topics in your Saturday Seminars? RT @YannickBenjamin: A. @KeeperColl #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @winecompass @KeeperColl Every week we try to change @leduwines. mostly about producers and tasting the wine itself! I love it #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Foundationspr @KeeperColl What I drink mostly at home is a lot of #muscadet #SommChat
@JaneHB (Jane H Broughton): “@KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin what’s the most prestigious qualification for a Somm in US? Here in #SouthAfrica its WSET from UK. #SommChat”
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @JaneHB @KeeperColl Hi there! there are so many certifications here in the US that are important, it depends what route u go #SommChat
@JadeDrinksWine (Jade Ostner): Any unconventional regions in the US that you’ve heard abt + have interest in trying? @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl (VA, TX, MD) ? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @JadeDrinksWine @KeeperColl I love what is happening in the Finger Lakes in NY State & Walla Walla in WA #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @TperezWine great to see you again on #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): Any specifics from Sicily? RT @YannickBenjamin: @Foundationspr @KeeperColl I have to say that I love w/wines #Muscadet, #Sicily #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Foundationspr @KeeperColl Of course! Check out wines from Mt.Etna and there uniques varietals! Terre Nere! #love #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): Good morning! Just have a few minutes but popping in this morning.#SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SAHMmelier so glad you can pop in to #SommChat today
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): My new summer fave. #SommChat
@jillzimorski (Jill Zimorski): Hey @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl #SommChat – Yannick, you have worked in restaurants and in retail – is one more challenging than the other?
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @jillzimorski @KeeperColl The difference is that when a customer does not like a wine in a rest. u can always switch it #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @jillzimorski @KeeperColl at a retail store when they buy it, they leave and you do not get to see their reaction #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): RT @JaneHB: @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin what’s. most prestigious qualification for Somm in US? In #SouthAfrica its WSET from UK. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning from Chicago! Don’t have a question yet but want to say hello to Yannick – #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @KeeperColl am lurking #SommChat 1st heard @YannickBenjamin on @drinktothatpod
@jsalctio (Jordan Salcito): Hello,@YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl! yannick, what bottles / producers are exciting you most at the moment? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @jsalcito @KeeperColl Patrick Piuze Chablis love this Canadian making wine in Burg! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove glad you can join in on #SommChat and am sure you will have some good questions
@PatriciusTokaj (PatriciusWines Tokaj): RT @YannickBenjamin: @JaneHB @KeeperColl Hi there! there are so many certifications here in the US that are important, it depends #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl any special tip for a bomb wine from sicily? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @m_arcon @Foundationspr @KeeperColl Terre Nere Etna Rosso fr Nerello Mascalese this is the #Bomb! High&Tight my fav! Hope u like! #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): Hello! #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): Hello Todd; I’d forgotten about that podcast RT @vtwinemedia: @KeeperColl am lurking #SommChat 1st heard @YannickBenjamin on @drinktothatpod
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @vtwinemedia gr8 to see you back at #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): If not, try #winestudio RT @m_arcon: @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl any special tip for a bomb wine from sicily? #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @Foundationspr @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl I love #mucadet! #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin favorite italian wine and what do you think about the Northern Rhone? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @m_arcon @KeeperColl To be honest I love Soldera! haha! my days @Felidia!! But love Syrah and love Northern Rhone! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Coming up! @YannickBenjamin: @JadeDrinksWine @KeeperColl I love what’s happening in the Finger Lakes in NY & Walla Walla in WA #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): Starting to write for a new broad site. What are current “hot” topics in #wine world? #needinspiration #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @SAHMmelier Hi! I would say Global Warming and the effect that it has on wine and alcohol! And Oak use! #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @KeeperColl cheers! #SommChat
@PatriciusTokaj (PatriciusWines Tokaj): Do you thoughts you could share on wines from Tokaj? @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @PatriciusTokaj @KeeperColl Great Question! I would say that late harvest #wines are always a tough sell but I love Tokaj! #SommChat
@JaneHB (Jane H Broughton): “@YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl thanks! Have to exit … To make dinner for hungry family! (6pm here) #SouthAfrica #SommChat”
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@YannickBenjamin What price range are most people spending for a “weekday wine” at @leduwine? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @fernandobeteta Hi! Since 08 of the crash ppl are more conservative. cherries always sell but the $50-$100 range is a challenge #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): Good morning from #vegas @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): RT @fernandobeteta: .@YannickBenjamin What price range are most people spending for a “weekday wine” at @leduwine? #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): What’s your sleeper hit wine this summer? Something you never saw coming! #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Winochic Yes! Pierre Savoye Morgon Sur Cote du Py 2001 @ $26.99 amazing! Blew my mind! #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez): @YannickBenjamin you have a successful career , is your goal to be be an MS ? does it make any different to you? @KeeperColl #wine #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @TperezWine @KeeperColl My Goal is 2 b an MS because I want to do it 4 myself! I love this program & it has made me a better somm!#SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Winochic great to see you back at #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin would you agree that the NYC Somm Scene is on fire right now? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @m_arcon @KeeperColl 100% we have so much Talent! The Somm Community is amazing and its better than ever! I am so proud of it! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @harleywine1 nice to see you at #SommChat Harley
@Rooks (Andrew Blakney): @YannickBenjamin whats your favorite wine to drink with eggs & bacon? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Rooks Great quest! Try Eric Bordelet who makes some of the Best Cider from Normany. low in alcohol perfect for Brunch! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @YannickBenjamin: @jsalcito @KeeperColl Patrick Piuze Chablis love this Canadian making wine in Burg! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SAHMmelier – Good luck with your new writing gig! Can you send us the link? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @JaneHB thanks for joining in on #SommChat and hope to see you next week same time
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @demilove Thanks! Hasn’t started yet. Just getting back in the groove after a summer of family time. #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Love Puize, sell it as well, think its built to last? #SommChat Jury is still out…
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @wolfeswines @KeeperColl He is new to the market but I do believe that his wines r built to last! He is so talented! #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): If anyone wants to hear @levi_opens_wine interview @YannickBenjamin on @drinktothatpod AFTER #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): Retail vs resto RT @YannickBenjamin: at a retail store when they buy it, they leave and you do not get to see their reaction #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez): @YannickBenjamin which #wine #region or country do you think is gonna be the next big thing? @KeeperColl #wine #winelovers #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @TperezWine @KeeperColl As a native NYer I have 2 say that the Rieslings from NY State are Exciting #FingerLakes @thomaspastuszak #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @YannickBenjamin What do you think about resurgence of South African wines? Do you offer many at LeDu? @KeeperColl #SommChat #SouthAfrica
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @enjoielife @KeeperColl I went to SA and loved it! I am fully confident that the wines from Swartland is what is the best! #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): Any US regions you are excited about? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @SAHMmelier love Syrah from Walla Walla & be on the look out for Chablis Inspired Chards from the Finger Lakes! #SommChat @thomaspastuszak
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Yes, please. @demilove: @SAHMmelier – Good luck with your new writing gig! Can you send us the link? #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @enjoielife @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl I am selling SA wines like crazy right now! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): RT @Winochic: @enjoielife @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl I am selling SA wines like crazy right now! #SommChat
@SBCWines (SantaBarbaraWines): @SAHMmelier A little biased, but we raise our hand to the Central Coast and Santa Barbara County. #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @YannickBenjamin that’s a sweet price point too! Definitely checking it out #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @Winochic @enjoielife @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Do you have any Silkbush? Met owner and have some samples to get into. #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @SAHMmelier @Winochic @enjoielife @KeeperColl No I have not but would love to try #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): RT @YannickBenjamin: … @tenutaterrenere Etna Rosso fr Nerello Mascalese this is the #Bomb! High&Tight
@enjoielife (Judia Black): RT @YannickBenjamin: @Winochic Yes! Pierre Savoye Morgon Sur Cote du Py 2001 @ $26.99 amazing! Blew my mind! #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @YannickBenjamin Totally non-wine related, but will you compete again in the NYC Marathon this year? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @WineInkByTia Absolutely! One helps the other out. Woking out keeps me sane. The MS can be very stressful! I need an outlet! #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @WineInkByTia This will be my 5th NYC Marathon on Nov.3 running for my non-profit org @WheelingForward #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @SAHMmelier: @Winochic @enjoielife @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Do you have any Silkbush? Met owner & have samples to get into. #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @Sassodoro @YannickBenjamin @tenutaterrenereno Silkbush but I will reach out. Where did you meet the owner? #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): MT @yannickbenjamin: @Rooks Great quest! Try Eric Bordelet makes some of Best Cider in Normandy. low alcohol perfect for Brunch! #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @YannickBenjamin how do you think the craft beer craze has affected the wine biz? Good and not so good? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Winochic I think it has had a positive effect for sure. I love it! bring on more diversity! #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): RT @vtwinemedia: to hear @levi_opens_wine interview @YannickBenjamin on @drinktothatpod AFTER #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): cider with bacon & eggs – my saturday breakfeast MT @YannickBenjamin: @Rooks Great quest! low in alcohol perfect for Brunch! #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): What is your take on Super Tuscans? @YannickBenjamin @SAHMmelier #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Foundationspr @SAHMmelier Love them & respect them but prices can be steep & out of control….but love Paleo Rosso #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): US #wines @YannickBenjamin: @SAHMmelier love Syrah from Walla Walla & Chablis-Inspired Chards from Finger Lakes! #SommChat @thomaspastuszak
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@YannickBenjamin what winemaker (living or from past) would you like to have dinner with? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @fernandobeteta I would have @ say Henri Jayer first and drink his wine cause I never had it! Also Robert Mondavi! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin U recently began working as #Sommelier on the floor of The University Club of NYC. Tell us more abt this gig. #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl love it! Great wine list & great staff and love the atmosphere! It is a private club but love it! #SommChat
@ProtocolWine (PROTOCOL wine studio): @LeMetroWine thoughts? MT @winecompass: #winestudio MT @m_arcon: @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl bomb wine fm sicily? #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @YannickBenjamin I need sexy mid priced Merlots! Help! My set needs some fresh young things to liven up the party! Suggestions? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Winochic I will give u a reference point check out Merlot based Wines from Fronsac & St.Emilion BX non classified estates #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @yannickbenjamin Congratulations! Excellent! Are there similarities between training for a marathon and the MS exam? #SommChat
@ormiga ?(ormiga): had #fingerlakes #wine a decade+ ago when still in usa #SommChat=sweeter+crisp @enjoielife @YannickBenjamin @JadeDrinksWine @KeeperColl
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @YannickBenjamin @thomaspastuszak I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve had from #FLX. Have you tried any #txwine? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @SAHMmelier I would love try some Wines from TX! Need to tell my buddies down there to hook me up! #SommChat
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): Conference call took me away from #SommChat but now I’m in
@Rooks (Andrew Blakney): @YannickBenjamin I passed my intro somm exam but haven’t worked in a restaurant in 8 years, but want to get back in, any tips? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Rooks If you have another job that is paying the bills on your days off ask 2 work as an intern at a local rest. #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @Winochic @YannickBenjamin I love @gunbun Merlot. Have you had it? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @SAHMmelier @Winochic @gunbun I have not had it! But will look into it! Thank you for sharing! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Hope this isn’t too snarky, but honestly – How do you make Studying fun? Dudes in movie had such dead looking eyes #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @demilove @KeeperColl If you love what you do & have passion for it! Nothing will ever feel like Work, it should be a pleasure #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @SAHMmelier @YannickBenjamin @gunbun no I haven’t. Thank you! Where is it from? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @Winochic I would say look into @SevenHills & l’Ecole No.41 also Betz is amazing but more pricey #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Really? @KeeperColl: Q. @YannickBenjamin U recently began working as #Sommelier on the floor of The University Club of NYC. #SommChat”
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @hvwinegoddess good stuff happening as usual on #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @YannickBenjamin thank you! I’m leaning that direction, it’s a nice option. Any mid priced Washington with more structure/texture? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin What do you like to do with your personal time? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl I love to work with my non-profit org to help other people with disabilities @WheelingForward #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @YannickBenjamin Given your experience (floor/retail), what is missing from the wine industry in terms of consumer wine education? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @WineInkByTia I think sometimes we over complicate things and do not talk the same language as our clients.keep it simple #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): @YannickBenjamin Great answer. Shows how much we should cherish the present. #SommChat
@LeMetroWine (The Wine Underground): Check out Cos & Occhipinti! @protocolwine @winecompass @m_arcon: @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl bomb wine fm sicily? #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @YannickBenjamin I’d be happy to pt you in the rt direction. Maybe you can join us for the next tweet chat. #SommChat
@LeMetroWine (The Wine Underground): & of course the killer #Etna wines in Vol IV. @protocolwine @winecompass @m_arcon: @YannickBenjamin @Foundationspr @KeeperColl #SommChat
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Popping into the end of #SommChat after meeting #betterlatethannever
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): @YannickBenjamin @SevenHills awesome! Iove those but somehow forgot them…especially l’ecole and betz #SommChat
@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @YannickBenjamin great #SommChat buddy. Good luck at rising stars
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin loved article on u by @villagevoice – can U share abt the experience in creating the #Sommelier serving tray? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl @AtelierViollet took the task of wanting to help me achieve my dream. We met at the #Wine Shop! It was amazing!#SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): @YannickBenjamin @gunbun If nothing else you must check out their tribute to the grape. … #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @YannickBenjamin @Winochic have had @sevenhills and L’Ecole 41 from Washington State but haven’t tried Betz. Will do! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @nzcomplexity so glad you could join in at #SommChat
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin @villagevoice That was a great article! #SommChat
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @KeeperColl We are as well! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin How do U go about pairing #food and #wine – which comes first for you and why? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperCollI The #Wine goes 1st and the ingredients should compliment the wine itself. Wine should be bigger than the dish #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin How would U describe the #NYC #wine market? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl #NYC #Wine Market is Amazing! Any wine U can have at anytime & any moment. The word can’t doesn’t exist. I am lucky #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (Stevie Stacionis): What up @YannickBenjamin! Sorry I missed the first 53 minutes of #SommChat. Nice to catch up on the hour. @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @StevieStacionis glad to see you here at #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): Time to go back to “momming.” Great to chat with y’all this morning! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. .@YannickBenjamin As a Cand. 4 Master #Sommelier, what advice can U give 2 those studying 4 Advanced w/ @MasterSommUS? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl Become an MS cause ur doing it for urself not for bragging rights & most of all cause you want to be a better Somm #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): Have a great #WW everyone and thank you @YannickBenjamin it’s been a pleasure and excellent #SommChat #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @YannickBenjamin What R some fav white #wines for under $40.00 retail that you like now? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): A. @KeeperColl Patrick Piuze Chablis Terroir de Chablis 2011 $25 & Paumanok Chenin Bl 2012 from NY $29! best New World Chenin! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): only a few minutes left to get your Questions in on #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @YannickBenjamin What is your current #wine obsession and why? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @WineInkByTia I love White Wines from Chalk based soils! Love my Chablis but love my Muscadet as well! #salt #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): Hey @YannickBenjamin and @KeeperColl just catching up. Favorite food in the world? #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @drewhendricksms @KeeperColl I love my Mother’s Cooking she has the hand of God! Love you Mom! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @YannickBenjamin #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @YannickBenjamin join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking #Sommelier Yannick Benjamin @YannickBenjamin for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): NEWS: #SommChat “On the road” series 4 next 3 wks- > info 2 come soon-watch 2 C where we will B-always Wed 11 AM CST !
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): RT @yannickbenjamin: @WineInkByTia I love White Wines from Chalk based soils! Love my Chablis but love my Muscadet as well! #salt #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): “@YannickBenjamin: @drewhendricksms @KeeperColl I love my Mother’s Cooking she has the hand of God! Love you Mom! #SommChat” love it!
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @yannickbenjamin We are of like minds. Love Muscadet!! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): excited to see #SommChat top trending!! thanks for all of the continued support in learning!
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Adore the Paumanok Chenin Blanc! . #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @KeeperColl Thank you so much for having me! Loved the questions! It was great! What an honor! #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @YannickBenjamin @KeeperColl Thanks to you both for a fantastic #SommChat! The flow was so fast I had trouble keeping up!
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): Thank you @yannickbenjamin for inspiring us all to persevere and never lose sight of your dreams or what you love! #SommChat
@cynetvin (cynthia si-yi cheng): YES–RT @WineInkByTia: TY@yannickbenjamin for inspiring us all to persevere and never lose sight of your dreams or what you love! #SommChat
@thomaspastuszak (Thomas Pastuszak): #FLXwine is constantly improving in quality, awesome cool-climate region with incredible terroir @YannickBenjamin @SAHMmelier #SommChat
@SAHmelier (SAHmelier): Thanks @KeeperColl for the reminders to join #SommChat . Always enjoy it when I can fit it in.
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Read this inspiring story; chat w/Somm #SommChat this #WW! Yannick Benjamin Works on Wheels via @villagevoice
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin Great to see you this happy #WW here on #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Would love to have you visit Chicago! – #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl Missed #SommChat by that hour again! Hope to see you next week!
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Damn! missed #SommChat was making recommendations for restaurant wine list, that counts right?
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): Great video! RT @SAHMmelier: @YannickBenjamin @gunbunwine …you must check out their tribute to the grape. … #SommChat
@YannickBenjamin (Yannick Benjamin): @fernandobeteta @Sassodoro @SAHMmelier @gunbunwine it was FUN!!! #SommChat
@IsaacJamesBaker (Isaac James Baker): @KeeperColl @_itsmatthew_ @OWOCWines @p_staatz @yoga_kat @WinePoynt @JaneHB @LifesNiceDrinks Sorry, missed this one, but next time #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @LeMetroWine @protocolwine @winecompass @yannickbenjamin @foundationspr @KeeperColl had Occhipinti´s SP 68 some days ago. BOMB! #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @YannickBenjamin thx for all the answers! #SommChat